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Logistics network overview

Posted: Thu Feb 02, 2017 2:42 am
by Scorpio_King
So, I realise they making some improvements to the UI in 0.15. But, how far away that is no one knows.
My question - is possible to get rid of all unwanted information on logistic chest when you hover on it?
I am talking about the icon, name, health etc. All if possible, just leaving the storage icons.
The reason is obvious, it overflows and UI is at 75% for me already, text is so tiny as it is.
I know there is awesome mod “Advanced Logistics System” and it is great.
However, hovering over a chest is far easier and faster.
Can it be done? If yes, give me some hints how and where I should look.
I’m kind of new to the whole moding thing, but I managed to do some stuff.
Maybe, Dummy Logistic chest, small simple mod. I do not need it to work as a logistic chest at all, but if it were, wound not hurt.
The information is what I am after.


Re: Logistics network overview

Posted: Thu Feb 02, 2017 11:13 pm
by Sirenfal
The base UI can't be modified at all. This mod might scratch what you're looking for though: ... ics-system

Re: Logistics network overview

Posted: Fri Feb 03, 2017 3:38 am
by Scorpio_King
Sirenfal wrote:The base UI can't be modified at all. This mod might scratch what you're looking for though: ... ics-system
Yeah I'm using that, also this: ... orkContent

But not very useful out of the way it works.
So all the text and icons on logistic chest is pulled from main game? Can't be modified?

Re: Logistics network overview

Posted: Sat Feb 04, 2017 7:43 pm
by Sirenfal
Yep, unfortunately. You can create your own UI and some way to trigger it, but you can't modify or replace the UI of the base game.

it is possible to determine the selected entity (mouse-over), so you could show and hide a UI based on that, but it would have to be in the middle of the screen since afaik there's no way to get your UI to render on top of the base game's UI either.