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Much faster boot - suggestion, speed up your dev!

Posted: Sat Jan 28, 2017 6:16 am
by thelordodin
1. Please introduce a special text file "include-only.lua".
This file will have lua arrays of permitted content (entities, graphics, etc).
If the file exists, then game loads only content which matches given inside it.

2. Create a button inside sandbox mode, which enumerates all these content used inside this game session and put it into "include-only.lua"
3. Create a command-line switch which allows to start factorio without menu directly into sandbox with a small map (100x100) with all cheats on.
4. A nice additional cherry one to add an array of folders which should be loaded fully - i.e. they are not restricted by "include-only" lists. If there is a dependency from this folder - it should be loaded too.
5. Reload all inside the game button, since in this setup - the app start time and lua load time will matter.

Use scenario (quite obvious):
- Run the game normally
- Setup all the staff you need to test
- Push the button
- All subsequent runs will be much faster

The results:
ALL subsequent game loads will be 10x faster (or more).
Modders will be happy.
Your own team will also be able to use this.

Re: Much faster boot - suggestion, speed up your dev!

Posted: Sat Jan 28, 2017 6:21 am
by Rseding91
We have no issues with boot times: ... g/dcjxrf2/

Also you only have to restart if your change one of the data.lua files. Changing control.lua just requires a save/exit/load.

Re: Much faster boot - suggestion, speed up your dev!

Posted: Sat Jan 28, 2017 6:37 am
by thelordodin
Thanks! You should consider putting text from this links to very first modding tutorial... or even put a button "Fast boot" into options menu...