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Posted: Tue Jan 17, 2017 12:41 pm
by Nubm2
Hello! I just jumped from 0.12.something to the latest update and started a game, playing for around 90h. Love the changes so far.

A brief look at the setup i was using during this run:
- Settings unchanged, everything on regular
- Building a Main Factory
- Dedicated smelter stations (Trains)
- Reloading Points (for Ore, Trains)
- Chip Factory (Trains)
- A huge border wall, claiming more space when needed (double wall with laser turrets)
- Due to the huge border wall, insane amount of space to build solar power plants

As i progressed, i noticed that this game is kinda like 3 games in 1.
#1 The Factory planning, building, relocating, etc.
#2 An Arcade Shooter game
#3 Train network planning/building and long range transport logistic (setting up outposts and/or defensive structures is more #1)
(#3.5 The fishie mini game)

I played turtle style and got to the rocket/satelite launch without having to leave my base. After that, i ran out of resoures at some point and claimed more land, surrounded it with walls/turrets. Once the evolution level hit 1, critter attacks almost always did some minor damage, resulting in destroyed defense buildings after some time. I had to travel there to replace/repair the damage and clear out the critters near my wall to buy some time (in this area). This felt very seperated from the other two aspects of the game (the factory building/trains).
When the factory was build, my main focus was on claiming resource patches and building train stations to transport all the stuff to my reloading/smelter stations. This felt very seperated from the factory/combat games.

Im not saying that it felt bad or anything, on the contrary. Its very good to have to focus on one thing while having the others run as automated as possible. However, there were just some things missing IMO. As an example, the combat feels great but has almost no variety in it. There is only one setup that is really worth using - Power armor MKII for speed and shields of course, combat shotgun, huge amounts of destroyer capsules. I also used cluster grenades, mostly against huge clusters of big worms during nest fights, but they dont do much anywhere else. Tanks are pretty much worthless late mid- and end game.
And the automated Defense always needs attention when not concentrated in one area and backed up with a roboport.

Here are some suggestions and feedback:

- This is about the late game and the style i was describing above. I'd rather see small but very rich veins of minerals, that makes it worth claiming A LOT of them, and having this as an expansion goal to feed your factory. (this can be set in the options during map creation of course, i just want to note it since it felt like constantly running around and building new mines since they run out so quickly). Acctually having to go out and look for rare and spread out resources also would bring the combat and train system more closer to the game itself, since it would be a required part of progression (IMO).

- Securing a large border wall is apain (as it should be). I'd like to see this as an option rather than having outposts though, where roboports can be build to repair damage. So as a suggestion: Either having more powerful turrets that need ammo refilling (like rocket turrets) and/or roboport trains that can patrol the borders and repair/refill/replace damaged structures. Also mid game repair turrets/stations would be great.

- Tanks need more love, upgrades please! Add something like the power armor has. Some random ideas: Armor upgrades (overall; front armor plating for ramming purposes; shields which do not slow down but require more energy), Turret upgrades (coolers for RoF+, requires coolant; bigger main cannons which will fire slower but deal more damage; etc.), invenory upgrades (to have more fuel/ammo/stuff), Power Source, Engine Upgrades (Speed; Acceleration/Handling), etc.

- Train Upgrades (Heavy plating: less damage, less speed), double-deck cargo waggons (more carge, reduces speed when filled), support waggons (roboport, turret waggon). Make (advanced) trains run on diesel to make logistics more interessting (requiring fuel stations that are filled up by Tankers)

- Map Upgrades. More stuff to explore and discover and having a reason to go out there. Like ancient technology (tech tree) that is only obtainable from strange structures. Also mountains, maybe as an alterative to stone fields.

- More use for alien artifacts. A tech tree with alien/ancient technology that require alien artifacts to build - and as fuel. Another reason to seek combat. Well, or maybe some more peaceful options to gather alien artifacts (like traps to catch and extract from critters, or slow minig from strange structures)

- More resources for specialized paths (aluminium for flight/drones, titanium for armor plating, etc.) which are not really required for the normal game but become more important in the late game.

- Having resources that are not revealed from the start and require detectors to find and mine (A bit like the mineral scanners in Starflight).

- More goals after the rocket / satelite launch. Maybe a required amount of satelites to check out and unlock new worlds/regions/continents. Or Building Space ports to set remote controlled bases up on nearby moons or in orbit to gather otherwise unobtainable resources for late game. Other types of satelites (spy satelite to find resourcces/reveal parts of the map; orbital strike, the non-OP version of course, as a support for larger nests or to quickly get rid of threats)

- More use for liquids, and liquid transportation via tanker.

- Fish farms, which require huge lakes or oceans and very slowly produce low amount of fish. Or Fish Farm buildings that require water intakes. Fishies are easy to come by though, so fishing itself should be more time consuming if this would be an option.

- The small pump need some adjustment. Its fun to use but pretty much punishs one for doing so.

- Underground Map (Sim CIty Style) for pipe networks, tunnels, mining, maybe even trains would be awesome IMO. Including an underground connection for buildings that use liquids.

Re: 3in1

Posted: Fri Jan 20, 2017 3:41 pm
by Nubm2
Just found time to red some news. Love most of the changes with 0.15! Well, some stuff i wrote down as ideas are obsolete, like the liquid handling via tanker waggon and barrels and the tank upgrade (Yes! Finally!) since those are already planned.
Not so sure i like the nuclear power plant though. I just hope a giant solar panel park will still be a valid alternative to that. And if so, a valid alternative to the stationary roboport to maintain large defensive structures would be nice. Like roboport repair trains, stronger long range turrets, etc.

I still like to suggest the end game goal to launch enough satelites into space (like 20-100, increasing with each new map) to unlock other regions/continents to provide more challenges, like a endless ocean with islands, full desert with rare water sources, frosty snow covered region were every liquid needs heating to flow, etc.
This wouldnt change game mechanics at all and also would make rocket launch parks part of the end game.

Well whatever, this game is great, can't wait for the next update!