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Weird train behaviour

Posted: Mon Jan 09, 2017 10:52 pm
by Heziva
Train is saying "no path". Player adds a loop to the train network, and deletes it immediately. Train is behaving as intended. ... n_is_this/

Re: Weird train behaviour

Posted: Mon Jan 09, 2017 11:04 pm
by Loewchen
This train obviously has no way to go. NaB.

Re: Weird train behaviour

Posted: Tue Jan 10, 2017 3:03 am
by Heziva
I got it to work, thanks for the input! I started by building a loop to the left which got everything working, but the friggin trains weren't using the loop and instead worked as I originally intended, by changing directions.
So I deleted the loop and everything worked fine.
Then I loaded a previous save so I didn't waste all that in game time and made my working design (which has no chain signals, only 2 pairs of normal signals, one on each track before entering the station) and it said "no path'!!
Frustrated, I made the loop again, everything worked, again not using the loop, then deleted the loop, not changing anything else, and the trains work perfectly...
Whatever Factorio, you win this round.
Thanks again for the help!
That does seems like a bug to me.

Re: Weird train behaviour

Posted: Tue Jan 10, 2017 6:26 am
by kinnom
the two unpaired chain signals are making both tracks one-way, and both in the direction of the station. they should both be in the signal pair to the right of them.