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Question on recent influx of sales

Posted: Mon May 26, 2014 2:14 pm
by migizi
With the recent influx of sales, will all the stretch goals from the indiegogo campaign be attempted?

It looks like modifiers and hidden ore are the only ones not in the game and I haven't seen any discussion about them.

Keep up the great work.

Re: Question on recent influx of sales

Posted: Tue May 27, 2014 9:06 am
by kovarex
the main stretch goal of the indiegogo was multiplayer and we are working on that.
We shall see about the other stretch goals later. We have done lot of other things that weren't in the stretch goals, because we simple couldn't know what would be more important or interesting one year in the future.

as we stated in the friday facts, the money allowed us to get some reserve and save ourselves some stress and hire additional programmer and artist as well, so let's see how it helps :)