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[14.21] Attempt to clone armor with equipment grid

Posted: Mon Dec 19, 2016 5:15 pm
by Leopard1800
When I put a power armor that has equipment inside, into the input of an assembler it gives a popup with "Attempt to clone armor with equipment grid" and an ok button wich returns to the main menu.
This happens with mods but may be a vanilla problem.

Steps to reproduce:
1: Get a mod that adds a recipe wich takes power/modular armor (or a vehicle with a equipment grid) See list below.
2: Set the recipe in the assembler.
3: Get the ingredient with the grid and put something in the grid. (a shield, battery, anything)
4: Put the item in the assembler.
5: The popup occurs immediately, even though the assembler is not ready to start crafting.

Expectation: It tries to put the equipment into the output item. If that fails it tries to put the equipment in the output slot or drop it on the ground.

Reproduced with only these mods to make sure:
*boblibrary 0.14.3
*creative-mode 0.2.5 - For easy testing.
*bobassembly 0.14.0 - Needed: bob's power armor does not fit in the MK3 assembler.
*boblogistics 0.14.5 - The Locomotive MK3 takes a locomotive MK2 wich has a grid.
*bobwarfare 0.14.2 - The higher level power armor has the level below in it's recipe.

Maybe somewhat related to: viewtopic.php?f=183&t=38501

Re: [14.21] Attempt to clone armor with equipment grid

Posted: Mon Dec 19, 2016 7:35 pm
by Rseding91
Fixed for 0.15.