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Add Electric Miner to Circuit Netowrk
Posted: Thu Dec 15, 2016 3:20 pm
by Trepidati0n
In the goal of "automate everything", being able to link a bunch of miners together in the circuit network to know how much ore is there would be VERY helpful. I could use that any number of ways to somehow tell me "you are running low out here" other than driving out to every outpost and giving it an inspection or worse yet "having it tap out" and finding out the hard way. =P
Re: Add Electric Miner to Circuit Netowrk
Posted: Thu Dec 15, 2016 8:09 pm
by Zerias
I like this idea, and would like to add that it would be nice for circuit-connected electric miners to be filterable to help when mining two adjacent fields that you don't want mixing on the ore belt.
Re: Add Electric Miner to Circuit Netowrk
Posted: Thu Dec 15, 2016 9:57 pm
by Gertibrumm
Though it is not necessarily necessary right now as you can simply setup a constant combinator containing the number of mineable ores and build a memory with a negative counter ->
voila mine depletion detector done.
Even though I support your idea it is very unlikely to be even discussed, as it is very easy to simulate the behaviour as described