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Stupid question

Posted: Sun May 25, 2014 4:49 pm
by tb9665
How do you pick up machines when you put them down? I figured out how to pick up belts and figured it would be the same for machines but it won't work. so how does this work?

Re: Stupid question

Posted: Sun May 25, 2014 5:17 pm
by Teurlinx
It should be the same as for belts. Hold right click. Some items (like machines) will take a bit more time to pick up.

Re: Stupid question

Posted: Sun May 25, 2014 6:37 pm
by BurnHard
Picking entities up (belts, assemblers, pipes) should be left mouse button (keep button pressed, you see a progress bar). Be sure to have a pickaxe equipped or it will take significantly longer

Re: Stupid question

Posted: Mon May 26, 2014 9:33 am
by ssilk
Look into the FAQ. See signature below. Look into game settings.