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Looking for MST MP Partners

Posted: Tue Dec 13, 2016 8:44 pm
by panzerpenguin

I go by the same name on Steam, so feel free to add me there if interested.

What I am looking for:

- Someone (or multiples) to play in the evenings, MST (GMT -7) - usually on around 6PM MST.
- A few select mods (namely RSO to start with, my expand upon further experience).
- Potentially the 'Earth Map' Scenario.
- Also potentially recorded/uploaded to youtube.
- I have a DISCORD channel and we will use that for voice communication

Ideally, we have a set day(s) and time to play during the weekdays (understanding that the holidays are upon us so the schedule may get a little hectic starting next week) and can play for an hour or two, perhaps recording or broadcasting our gameplay to Youtube.

Either respond here or add me on Steam!

-Phear derPanzerPenguin!-

Re: Looking for MST MP Partners

Posted: Sun Dec 18, 2016 3:12 am
by Gunsrude
Interested. I almost always have time in the evenings.
Same username on Steam/Discord as here.
Add me if you're still looking.
There'd be a couple of mods I'd like to add for a decent play through.

Re: Looking for MST MP Partners

Posted: Sat Apr 08, 2017 10:32 pm
by panzerpenguin
Still looking for people to play Factorio with.

Add me on steam (Same name as here) and lets play!

Vanilla Factorio is fine!

Re: Looking for MST MP Partners

Posted: Mon Apr 10, 2017 4:34 pm
by Ingress
Add me. I just recently finished "there is no spoon" and was thinking of starting a RSO world. Ingress Kerensky on steam. Should be on tonight barring any catastrophe.