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factorio resource planner
Posted: Fri Nov 25, 2016 5:54 pm
by tenim
i have wrote in the last days this software to calculate how my oil setups behave. maybe, someone of you find this tool helpful.
if you find any errors, have suggestion, write it in this thread.
download (newest version 0.21): ... planner.7z
Re: factorio resource planner
Posted: Fri Nov 25, 2016 6:27 pm
by tenim
version 0.2 released.
bugfix: it was not possible to set simulation steps>255. fixed.
Re: factorio resource planner
Posted: Mon Nov 28, 2016 4:03 pm
by Deadly-Bagel
Hope you've got tooltips because that is one heck of a confusing layout.
I worked out Number of Oil Refineries, also CP = Chemical Plant and Heavy Oil Cracking etc, then Solid Fuel for heavy/light oil and petroleum. Then chem plants for... SUlphur, PLastic... BAtteries... Processing Units... Sulphuric Acid? But why is that down there while Lubricant is up the top? If you have Sulphuric Acid does that include the Sulphur?
Personally I would expand the names a bit, use shortened versions if needed. Instead of "Num. OR (Advanced)" just have "Refineries (Advanced)". Don't bother with "CP", there's only one machine that can make all this stuff, so just "HO Cracking", "LO Cracking", "PET Cracking". I would also put Lubricant down with the other products for consistency. Expand those terms too, just "Sulphur", "Batteries", etc, perhaps rename the whole section box thing to Production Machines or something.
Re: factorio resource planner
Posted: Mon Nov 28, 2016 5:19 pm
by tenim
the "Help" button (now down, right beside the exit button) opens a window that explain something. i also have added a diagram legend on the left to explain the x,y meanings. hovering with the mouse over the diagram filter checkboxes also shows the complete meaning of the selected fluid.
But why is that down there while Lubricant is up the top?
the order is unimportant for the simulation, i added lubricant on top because it is one of the things you can first create.
If you have Sulphuric Acid does that include the Sulphur?
no, sulphuric acid is only produced if you have at least one chemical plant which produces sulfur. produced sulfur is not shown in the diagram, only liquids (see the help-section). also produced plastics, batteries, production units. they only exist to calculate the consumd fluids and make the simulation realistic.
i have uploaded a new version 0.21 wich contains the tooptipe and the diagram legend. same link like in the initial post.
Re: factorio resource planner
Posted: Tue May 02, 2017 12:58 pm
by tenim
have made a new version 0.22, witch now contains all assembling machines/stuff that consumes fluids and which is also adapted to the new 0.15 oil processing fluid values.
download: ... planner.7z