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What is your favorite part of the game, and why?

Posted: Mon Nov 21, 2016 3:45 pm
by morcup
Mine is that moment when you connect power to a huge new section of your factory, and it sparks to life.

I tend to build my factories in big blocks, not connecting power until the whole setup is complete (helps to minimize those errant inserters that always plop items onto the wrong belt), so power makes a dramatic change, and I love that feeling of seeing the inserters start flailing about, smoke billowing, and items flooding onto the belts.

Re: What is your favorite part of the game, and why?

Posted: Mon Nov 21, 2016 4:21 pm
by Proxy
I Really love to work with Circuit Networks (in the Energy Part).
Having Huge Chunks of Factories being Connected only via a power Switch is cool...
I have a Circtuit network throughout my Base Connected to a lot of Power Switches and a single Accumulator.
since 99% of my power is Solar... i can't make power during night.
so i got a Huge Field of Accumulators that kick in During the Night.
when the Energy in them reaches a certain level Things with Start to Automatically Turn off in my Factory.
Can you Imagine how Awesome it looks when a Giant Chunk of your Energy Eating Factory is Suddenly Covered in Darkness?
90% Power left... *boop* no Radars.
80% Power left... and *boop* Dark is the Oil Production Block.
50% Power left... *boop* makes the Advanced Circuit/Processing Unit and Module Block.
20% Power left... *boop* gone is the Furance Area.

i also have a Light bar next to my Accumulators... so that i can see how much is left.
only thing that is always on are my Defences.

but when Nuclear Power becomes a Thing... i might switch to that.
or Space...
or Modding xD

Re: What is your favorite part of the game, and why?

Posted: Mon Nov 21, 2016 4:31 pm
by ArchJudge
I actually enjoy when things power down, there is no more assembly line noises, no more machinery clinking away making stuff, no more electric motors, just the sound of the natural habitat.

If you listen carefully, you can almost hear the wildlife singing and the bitters breathing. One of them is behind me isn't he ...

Re: What is your favorite part of the game, and why?

Posted: Mon Nov 21, 2016 6:26 pm
by Mauslag PIngman
In peaceful mode I like to surround a massive biter infestation with 60 leveled laser turrets and then connect that last wire. There's a hail of laser shots and then I run in to pick up artifacts and finish off stragglers. If I could I'd do this with hundreds of turrets and then set up roving cameras and then watch it for hours in ultra slow motion because I love the genocide.

Re: What is your favorite part of the game, and why?

Posted: Mon Nov 21, 2016 6:37 pm
by Grimakar
Hard to say which one is my favourite, there are many party, just like the experimenting and then it works :D
But I remember one of my first moments that really were cool. I built my first assembling machine and while I was watching it all work, I had it selected and the sound was like industrial music. Even my gfriend said that. :D

Re: What is your favorite part of the game, and why?

Posted: Tue Nov 22, 2016 11:36 am
by Fish
I like Mid to Late game.
Setting up a train network and circuit production.
After that I always take some time to just look at my base to see everything's running smoothly and just relax. Take a few rides in a random train and check that everything can run without my interference.
Then start building some more and repeat.

I don't like early game that much, everything's so slow. Too much manual labor.

Re: What is your favorite part of the game, and why?

Posted: Tue Nov 22, 2016 3:20 pm
by Deadly-Bagel
Mine's probably the trains, everything else has an 'optimised' setup, 72 furnaces per belt, 3:2 copper wire : green circuit, etc, but there's no real rhyme or reason to trains. It really depends on your map settings and layout, how heavily you're relying on trains, how responsive you want them to be, etc, you can make them two-way, you can have two lanes, or four, eight, whatever, do you have a strict system or do you allow looping, do you have waiting bays and how many, how do you control trains with the circuit network, etc.

While we can't tell a train to go to a specific stop, I realised you can hold a train at its station with the circuit network if none of its destinations require the materials yet. This works okay for trains with multiple stops dropping off components for say a modular approach but it really shines for say ore trains going to a shared ore processing plant. If the plant has a surplus of that type of ore the train(s) for that ore can just park at the outpost(s) until it is required, rather than uselessly looping between the plant and outpost. This would significantly reduce the load on the station to allow more priority ores to be moved in faster. I could then take that further by using a shared unloader, unloading everything into the same chests and immediately filtering it all to their relevant storage with no chance of overflow clogging up the system. Hopefully belts will be sufficient to unload the buffer chests before the next train can pull in...

I suppose that's the other thing, micromanagement. You can just let your factory run itself if you don't mind things bottlenecking a bit in places or you can micromanage the hell out of it to work seamlessly.

Re: What is your favorite part of the game, and why?

Posted: Tue Nov 22, 2016 5:19 pm
by HammerPiano
My favorite part is when i have robots production. Robots are so usefull and I love using robots.
Beep boop bring me 1000 iron plates, NOW!

Re: What is your favorite part of the game, and why?

Posted: Thu Nov 24, 2016 4:59 pm
by LotA
When you first equip exoskeleton and feeeeeeeeel the speeeeeeeed

When you first equip you're personal roboport(s) and ask to cut down the whole forest around you

Re: What is your favorite part of the game, and why?

Posted: Fri Nov 25, 2016 3:51 pm
by varenvel
What is your favorite part of the game, and why?

All game , all of it

Re: What is your favorite part of the game, and why?

Posted: Fri Nov 25, 2016 5:22 pm
by Smarty
i like the part when all the research is done and you can build what every you want

Re: What is your favorite part of the game, and why?

Posted: Sat Nov 26, 2016 4:56 am
by Dasani
It's hard to say, I love so many things.

I love watching my trains work. Watching them go from station to station, never jamming, never slowing, just working continuously. I love having dozens of trains running at once and just watching them intersect and cross over and fly down the rails. Honestly I think I might've bought this game just as a train shipping simulator.

I also love knowing my little supply train that carries turrets, walls, repair packs, and other essentials to each of my outposts will continue doing it's job and ensure that my outposts will never fall. Even after repeated heavy assaults, even if buildings are damaged and destroyed, it will all be repaired and replaced automatically without needing my intervention. The security of knowing I could leave the game running for a week, come back, and everything I have is still standing.

I think one particular point I hit each game that just fills me with maximum glee would be right after I build my first personal roboport. Because until that point, I have to cut down all those damn trees manually and I often take my flamethrower to the task because it clears out most of them. But once I get my personal roboport, my construction bots clear forest a hundred times faster. And every speed upgrade makes it even better, additional roboports make it even better. Clearing out trees quickly gives me immense pleasure because I personally find removing them to have more space to build is one of the most annoying aspects of the game.

Re: What is your favorite part of the game, and why?

Posted: Sat Nov 26, 2016 8:10 am
by British_Petroleum
I like belts

Re: What is your favorite part of the game, and why?

Posted: Sun Nov 27, 2016 6:03 am
by Nilaus

There are so many things, but one thing never gets old for me is the sound and sight of robots building massive networks in seconds from blueprints. The sound of the robots "plonking" them down and the sight of cities being built is just magical

Re: What is your favorite part of the game, and why?

Posted: Sun Dec 04, 2016 4:03 pm
by Sigma1
Train stuff. And making train tracks look epic. Also roads.

Re: What is your favorite part of the game, and why?

Posted: Tue Dec 06, 2016 10:59 pm
by MalcolmCooks
When my 100% steam power system fails. Why?
Because I have designed it in such a way that when it fails, it can bootstrap itself back up to 100% power production by itself, even from a state of total power loss. I think it is amazing to watch this happen.

Re: What is your favorite part of the game, and why?

Posted: Fri Dec 09, 2016 9:28 am
by Hannu
Right after I get rocket production on. In that phase I have many temporary and low production parts in my base. But I get constant material flows going and my base awakes into the life. There are research before that but I have usually relatively slow research progression and in any case research do not load most advanced production units (for example blue circuits).

After that I finalize my production units, expand my occupied area, train network and ore production. Maybe I move some functions out of my main base, if I do not have railworld from beginning. I can visit in all production units and see when they work and make improvements. Sometimes there are larger problems, for example if I forget to connect some pipe or put some inserter during my construction works. Soon after rocket automation I begin usually to make fully automated defense lines. On the one hand, it is boring routine work, but on the other hand it forces me to wander on terrain and find interesting places.

When I get most parts ready (usually after about 200 hours in vanilla) I begin to feel gradually more bored. I do not bother to expand beyond some limit because in that point increasing of production is only copying of same production structures, and everything just works perfectly and I have to only make a new resource outpost after couple of tens of hours.