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Several enabled conditions for working

Posted: Fri Nov 11, 2016 10:39 am
by Mella
Belts and inserters now have only one enabled condition to work
I can create scheme with inserters like sr latch to combine 2 simple enabled conditions to 1 enabled condtion

For example - i need 10 iron and 10 copper in chest

With combintrators i can create enabled conditions to check count of iron and copper
When 10 iron then enabled condition is "A"
When 10 copper then enabled condition is "B"
If enabled condition "A" truth and enabled condition B is truth then "F" for exmaple

I want that the inserter worked when the enabled condition is satisfied as "F" but inserter can't look into content of signal "F", so inserter can infinitely put iron, yet chest won't be filled or on the contrary with copper
I wnat to inserter or can check more then 1 enabled condition, because inserter can check enabled conditions for recipe in assembler machine? why we can do this manually using combinators, the logic's of circuit networks connectable machines is very limited

Re: Several conditions for working

Posted: Fri Nov 11, 2016 11:02 am
by Deadly-Bagel
You can use filter inserters, if you pass an item signal it will start moving items of that type. Simplest and most reliable way would be to have two deciders, one for iron and one for copper, outputting that signal if it meets the condition.

Re: Several conditions for working

Posted: Fri Nov 11, 2016 11:42 am
by Mella
Deadly-Bagel wrote:You can use filter inserters, if you pass an item signal it will start moving items of that type. Simplest and most reliable way would be to have two deciders, one for iron and one for copper, outputting that signal if it meets the condition.
I think u don't understand what we talking about
For the fist if want to set filter to filter inserter which is connected to circuit network the filter will be lost? and yes i'm choosing "set filter option", i donno may be this is bug? if it so why it's not fixed yet
Yes i maked the scheme with 2 deciders which wiull check conditions and send positive signal when condition is true - that's not working
Иefore proving the offers lay out the scheme on a screenshot I want to look

The main goal of this suggestion to get more then 1 signal for any machine which can be connected to circuit network

Re: Several conditions for working

Posted: Fri Nov 11, 2016 11:46 am
by Deadly-Bagel
Unfortunately I don't have access to the game here, if I can get on tonight I'll try it.

Re: Several conditions for working

Posted: Fri Nov 11, 2016 11:47 am
by Mella
Deadly-Bagel wrote:Unfortunately I don't have access to the game here, if I can get on tonight I'll try it.
I will be grateful to you

Re: Several conditions for working

Posted: Fri Nov 11, 2016 12:00 pm
by Mella
There is other problem consisting that i we using scheme with combinators, the combinator will check the condition every time but not once, I can't force combinator to force send read signal during the set period
But this is theme for another discussion

Filter inserter is simple exampl, but as to me to be if I want that condition it was carried out for belt?

Re: Several conditions for working

Posted: Fri Nov 11, 2016 12:15 pm
by Deadly-Bagel
Belts can't be picky, either they move all items or they move no items. You can't say "move iron but not copper" like you can with FIlter Inserters.

Re: Several enabled conditions for working

Posted: Fri Nov 11, 2016 1:19 pm
by Mella
I'm trying to solve a problem simple at first sight

I want to have accurately set quantity of things of the set type in chest, it is no more and not less - 10 iron and 10 copper for example - if i'll use logistic robots with logistic request chests the solution of this problem will be simple - i'll use logistic robots and i'll don't use inserters and i'll have accurately set quantity of things of the set type in this chest

Re: Several enabled conditions for working

Posted: Fri Nov 11, 2016 3:03 pm
by Deadly-Bagel
Hmm, it's a tricky one. Both bots and inserters will happily move over 10 items because of stack size, in fact 10 is very hard to achieve as it only works with stack sizes 1, 2 and 5.

There are a few means of combatting this. One I found utilises integer overflow so it only picks up 1 item at a time, see this topic for details.

I think I would split items onto a single lane on separate belts and have them gated. Say a belt 2 long to an inserter and chest all connected to circuit network. The first belt works when ([Item] < 10), everything else sends hold contents to the network. This way when there is a total of 10 items between the chest, inserter and 2nd belt, the first belt will stop working and no longer provide more items. This is a simpler way of doing it but you can't have mixed items on the belt and it's better with only one lane I think, otherwise 2 items can move at a time and you might end up going from 9 to 11 items.

Re: Several enabled conditions for working

Posted: Fri Nov 11, 2016 3:15 pm
by Mella
I think there many many things which is waiting for decision, I hope that the main thing the 0.15 will be the decision of circuit network issues and contradictions
I know that there is a special topic where the questions connected with the decision are discussed, viewtopic.php?f=9&t=30853 but i'm sorry there really HUGE amount of text? may be some people have question with circuit network too

Respectable developers of factorio if u read this post, i hope there many important changes will be done in 0.15 version
And we all waiting for 0.15 version

Re: Several enabled conditions for working

Posted: Fri Nov 11, 2016 7:16 pm
by Deadly-Bagel
Tested just fine. I realised you need to set the deciders to output a count of 1, if they just pass on input count it will by default pass 0 so no signal gets to the filter inserter and it doesn't know to move.
Filter Limiter.jpg
Filter Limiter.jpg (119.15 KiB) Viewed 4509 times
Again though because stack size is 3 it always moves 3 at a time so goes over 10. But that's the basics.

Re: Several enabled conditions for working

Posted: Sat Nov 12, 2016 4:05 pm
by Mella
Thanks but i can u show all setting windows, especially for filter inserter - his mode - circuit network mode of operation right? But i'm toggling this mode window with enabled condition will be empty and filter inserter isn't working
I have understood how to set parameters for combinator but not understand how to set parameters with filter inserter

Re: Several enabled conditions for working

Posted: Sun Dec 25, 2016 9:31 pm
by mrvn
Mella wrote:Belts and inserters now have only one enabled condition to work
I can create scheme with inserters like sr latch to combine 2 simple enabled conditions to 1 enabled condtion

For example - i need 10 iron and 10 copper in chest

With combintrators i can create enabled conditions to check count of iron and copper
When 10 iron then enabled condition is "A"
When 10 copper then enabled condition is "B"
If enabled condition "A" truth and enabled condition B is truth then "F" for exmaple

I want that the inserter worked when the enabled condition is satisfied as "F" but inserter can't look into content of signal "F", so inserter can infinitely put iron, yet chest won't be filled or on the contrary with copper
I wnat to inserter or can check more then 1 enabled condition, because inserter can check enabled conditions for recipe in assembler machine? why we can do this manually using combinators, the logic's of circuit networks connectable machines is very limited
What you do is simple:
You place two combinators:
- When 10 iron then enabled condition is "F 1"
- When 10 copper then enabled condition is "F 1"

Then when and only when both conditions are true you have F = 2.
If you want A or B then F > 0. If you want neither A nor B then F = 0. If you want at most one then F < 2.