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Let Their Be Light? NOT?

Posted: Thu May 15, 2014 9:39 pm
by Zpike
So there I am playing along when I decide I'm tired of walking around in the dark. So I build these lamps and start sticking them all over the place.

Then it got dark.... So there I am crawling around in sand up to my waist. :P

So... Turning on the lights has a HUGE impact on performance? My work machine isn't a powerhouse but wow! What a difference. One minute I'm playing just fine, the next I'm crawling.

Turning on the lights brought my machine to Its knees!

Re: Let Their Be Light? NOT?

Posted: Thu May 15, 2014 10:01 pm
by Umbru
LoL yea that is a problem pretty common to buildy games. Space engineers, Starmade, Planet explorers and several other of the like are the same way. I watch OperationDX lets play lots of open world voxal games and he mentions how performance impacting lighting is often.