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what map-gen-settings are most like RSO?

Posted: Fri Oct 28, 2016 10:49 pm
by onebit
I tried this, but there is too much oil.

Code: Select all

  "_comment": "Sizes can be specified as none, very-low, low, normal, high, very-high",
  "terrain_segmentation": "normal",
  "water": "normal",
  "width": 0,
  "height": 0,
  "starting_area": "normal",
  "peaceful_mode": false,
    "coal": {"frequency": "very-low", "size": "high", "richness": "high"},
    "copper-ore": {"frequency": "very-low", "size": "high", "richness": "high"},
    "crude-oil": {"frequency": "normal", "size": "high", "richness": "high"},
    "enemy-base": {"frequency": "low", "size": "normal", "richness": "normal"},
    "iron-ore": {"frequency": "very-low", "size": "high", "richness": "high"},
    "stone": {"frequency": "very-low", "size": "normal", "richness": "normal"}

Re: what map-gen-settings are most like RSO?

Posted: Sun Oct 30, 2016 12:30 am
by onebit
These seemed OK. Hard to get oil right. It's either crazy or nothing.

Code: Select all

  "_comment": "Sizes can be specified as none, very-low, low, normal, high, very-high",
  "terrain_segmentation": "normal",
  "water": "very-low",
  "width": 0,
  "height": 0,
  "starting_area": "high",
  "peaceful_mode": false,
    "coal": {"frequency": "very-low", "size": "high", "richness": "high"},
    "copper-ore": {"frequency": "very-low", "size": "high", "richness": "high"},
    "crude-oil": {"frequency": "normal", "size": "low", "richness": "very-high"},
    "enemy-base": {"frequency": "normal", "size": "normal", "richness": "normal"},
    "iron-ore": {"frequency": "very-low", "size": "high", "richness": "high"},
    "stone": {"frequency": "very-low", "size": "high", "richness": "high"}

Re: what map-gen-settings are most like RSO?

Posted: Tue Nov 01, 2016 4:58 pm
by onebit
Seems like even with "very low" frequency they are still too close.