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Deleting/pruning chunks from an existing save?
Posted: Wed Oct 26, 2016 4:51 am
by Reika
I need to regenerate the majority of my save's terrain due to mod changes and the like, and despite hours of searching I have not found a way to remove chunks from a save. I am
not willing to wipe the save and start over.
What I am looking for is a functionality similar to what
MCEdit can do for Minecraft, deleting chunks on demand (or alternatively, pruning a save to
only the selected chunks).
This can be an external tool, a mod, or a mod API hook for me to write a mod to use; any of those will work for me. Is there anything that can do this?
Re: Deleting/pruning chunks from an existing save?
Posted: Wed Oct 26, 2016 5:22 am
by steinio
I thought I had read about a delete chunk function but I seem to be wrong.
Maybe delete the whole surface and creating a new one helps.
Greetings steinio
Re: Deleting/pruning chunks from an existing save?
Posted: Wed Oct 26, 2016 8:23 pm
by Smarty
deleting chunks is not possible as far as i know
Edit: it is possible in 0.15 but it might be buggy

Re: Deleting/pruning chunks from an existing save?
Posted: Wed Oct 26, 2016 8:44 pm
by Rseding91
Smarty wrote:deleting chunks is not possible as far as i know
I added the ability to delete chunks for 0.15. It's experimental and who knows if it's bugged so do let us know if you experience issues with it when 0.15 comes out

Re: Deleting/pruning chunks from an existing save?
Posted: Sun Jul 30, 2017 3:16 pm
by FlyHigh
Did you ever found out a solution for this? I'm trying to do the same thing and see if I can have the Alien Biome mod redraw the surface on an already developed save.
Re: Deleting/pruning chunks from an existing save?
Posted: Mon Jul 31, 2017 4:05 pm
by steinio
FlyHigh wrote:*Bump*
Did you ever found out a solution for this? I'm trying to do the same thing and see if I can have the Alien Biome mod redraw the surface on an already developed save. ... mptyChunks
Stay on a non empty chunk or you will die.