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Add "effects" to entity

Posted: Tue Oct 25, 2016 4:55 pm
by BlackSalander
This class would hold a list of the class "effect" with the following template

class Effect{
string EffectName; //The name of this effect
string Type; //Type of effect ( "Postive" | "Negative" | "Neutral" | "Both" | "None" )

float HealthBonusREL; //Relative health bonus (the bonus depends on the entity's max health)
float HealthBonusABS; //Absolute health bonus
float HealthRegBonus; //

float SpeedBonusREL; //Relative speed bonus (the bonus depends on the entity's max speed)
float SpeedBonusABS; //Absolute speed bonus

uint64 TicksToDie; //How many ticks this effect will last(or have left)

float DamagePerTick; //How much damage the entity recieves per tick

//don't know if the ones bellow are doable
IMG* EffectMask; //An image to overlay on the entity as effect
ANM* EffectAnm; //Some kind of animation to overlay on the entity

string pre_effect; //Name of event to be called right before the effect takes place
string pos_effect; //Name of event to be called right after the effect is over

The idea is to make entities (enemies, character or vehicles) able to receive effects given by other entities or world it self.

This would give Modders a lot of space to create lots os cools stuff like:
-Temporary max health bonus
-Temporary speed bonus
-Poison spitters (apply damage over time on other entities)
-More possible interactions between player and enemies
-Time Bomb?

Re: Add "effects" to entity

Posted: Tue Oct 25, 2016 8:31 pm
by Rseding91
That's what the sticker entity is for. It attaches to an entity and applies some effect over time for some duration.

Re: Add "effects" to entity

Posted: Tue Oct 25, 2016 8:40 pm
by aubergine18
You can see examples of stickers from vanilla game searching this dump of data.raw: ... r/data.raw

@Rseding91 do stickers of the same type stack?

Re: Add "effects" to entity

Posted: Tue Oct 25, 2016 8:47 pm
by Rseding91
aubergine18 wrote:You can see examples of stickers from vanilla game searching this dump of data.raw: ... r/data.raw

@Rseding91 do stickers of the same type stack?
Currently no.

Re: Add "effects" to entity

Posted: Tue Oct 25, 2016 11:19 pm
by BlackSalander
aubergine18 wrote:You can see examples of stickers from vanilla game searching this dump of data.raw: ... r/data.raw

@Rseding91 do stickers of the same type stack?
Thanks, I'll take a look at that

Re: Add "effects" to entity

Posted: Wed Oct 26, 2016 6:43 pm
by BlackSalander
How do I use that?

Re: Add "effects" to entity

Posted: Fri Oct 28, 2016 6:50 am
by Mooncat
@BlackSalander to use a sticker, first you create a sticker entity. Then use "action" to deliver the sticker entity to target. Check "slowdown-capsule" for quick example.

But currently, we only have 2 stickers in the game: "fire-sticker" and "slowdown-sticker". They show limited properties.
Besides damage_per_tick, fire_spread related thingy, and target_movement_modifier, may I know are there any other properties we can use?
And what will happen if two different stickers with different values on target_movement_modifier are applied to the same entity? :)