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[0.14.14] Add option were to load/save save games

Posted: Mon Oct 17, 2016 9:29 pm
by LJL_Houben
Currently not possible to set the path were the save games are saved, nor is it possible to load a savegame from an other location. Please add support for this.

Re: [0.14.14] Add option were to load/save save games

Posted: Mon Oct 17, 2016 10:06 pm
by ssilk
I think you are not right.
The directory-requester allows easy change of directories to any path on your comp.

And ... _directory

Re: [0.14.14] Add option were to load/save save games

Posted: Mon Oct 17, 2016 10:36 pm
by LJL_Houben
ssilk wrote:I think you are not right.
The directory-requester allows easy change of directories to any path on your comp.

And ... _directory
Can you show me the button??
Missing button.png
Missing button.png (367.72 KiB) Viewed 2635 times
Keep in mind that not all users are programmers/devellopers and just would like to have a button were they can select a location.
(PS thanks for the info)

Re: [0.14.14] Add option were to load/save save games

Posted: Tue Oct 18, 2016 10:06 am
by komrade_toast
I believe what is meant by this is that when the player chooses to save their game, LJL_Houben would like to have a dialog pop up that prompts where to choose the save location.
I would actually second this.
I understand that it is possible to configure Factorio to a different save directory using the config file, but having an option in-game as to where to place your save file, for every save, would be absolutley ground-breaking.

Re: [0.14.14] Add option were to load/save save games

Posted: Tue Oct 18, 2016 1:42 pm
by ssilk
LJL_Houben wrote:Can you show me the button??
Missing button.png
Ah, I think I have added some subdirectories and symlinks outside of the save-dir (e.g. Google-Drive). That works pretty well.

A button for opening the directory is from inside the game is already suggested some times.

Re: [0.14.14] Add option were to load/save save games

Posted: Wed Apr 12, 2017 5:38 am
by Lankster
LJL_Houben wrote:
ssilk wrote:I think you are not right.
The directory-requester allows easy change of directories to any path on your comp.

And ... _directory
Can you show me the button??
Missing button.png
Keep in mind that not all users are programmers/devellopers and just would like to have a button were they can select a location.
(PS thanks for the info)

I think whats missing is the [..] that lets us change drivers and backup to say a flash driver or move save file to a file/dir/flash or backup area that we want to save our saved game to. Also the loading of a game. [..]

I personally dont save games on my SSD drive and move them to a back up. This in the past has been helpful when I've had windows crash.

Could ya add the option >> [ . . ] << to both LOAD and SAVE .. TY