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Mod portal fail-safe

Posted: Mon Oct 10, 2016 11:48 pm
by zebediah49
The mod portal requires a login to download mods. While inconvenient, I do understand why the devs want this -- it provides a major incentive for users to have a real Factorio account. Fine.

As is being currently demonstrated, the site isn't necessarily 100% reliable. This is also understandable, if unfortunate.

However, please make the mod portal have a fail-safe mode in which the login gate to download is disabled. Ideally such a thing should be automatic (e.g. a 5-minute cron job that checks if the login is up, and fails over if not), but manual would work fine as well. It's very frustrating for users when they cannot access content (especially content made by other users) that they should otherwise have rights to.

E: I just discovered that there is a sub-sub forum for the mod portal. I guess this belongs there.

Re: Mod portal fail-safe

Posted: Tue Oct 11, 2016 5:26 pm
by ssilk
zebediah49 wrote: E: I just discovered that there is a sub-sub forum for the mod portal. I guess this belongs there.
I already moved it and then I thought a bit and think this is not mod-portal-related. So moved it back.

It's to make the more reliable in general.

Reliablity is the right term for that, cause that induces many aspects like failover, fail-safe, replication, backup and much more. And from the specific Factorio view: A small part of that is the mod-portal. :)