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[0.14.12] Gate and Rail causes a minimap inconsistency

Posted: Mon Oct 03, 2016 6:32 am
by Dr. Walrus
When building a gate over a rail, the mini-map will display a different color depending if the gate or the rail was built first. The entity that you build first will be the color that shows up on the mini-map. On the left I built a rail first and built gates over it. I built them in the reverse order on the right. The mini-map shows the rail color on the left and the gate color on the left.

Pics: Sorry for night, but it's clear enough.

Video link of proof in action that shows the build order:

In the video you can also see another bug where the shadow of the leftmost gate is shifted a tile to the left when it is on top of a rail.

This is a very minor bug, and I don't mind if it is not fixed.