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Can't craft "science pack 2" in campaign. Please Help!

Posted: Sat May 03, 2014 10:47 pm
by JakeFromStateFarm
I recently got the game and I'm loving it. I've purchases the Alpha and I just started the 2nd chapter. I'm on a mission where I have to create a lab and research vehicles. Well after researching the previous components and creating multiple science pack 1's, I've gotten to where I need to research the engine. The engine requires 1 "science pack 1" and 50 "science pack 2's". The only problem is, I can't craft the 2nd science pack. It doesn't show up anywhere in my crafting table. It should be right next to the 1st science pack. I checked to see if maybe there was something else I had to research that enables crafting of it, but there wasn't. It's telling me I need 50, but I can't produce them, which means I can't do the research, which means I can't go on with the game. It' hard to explain so here's a picture of my dilemma.

Re: Can't craft "science pack 2" in campaign. Please Help!

Posted: Sun May 04, 2014 12:05 am
by Gammro
Might be a bug, wouldn't be the first time a recipe wasn't unlocked for a campaign mission.

You can unlock the green science pack manually by executing this in the console:

Code: Select all["science-pack-2"].enabled = true

Edit: Disregard this, it has been a while since I've played campaign(0.6.x I think?)

Re: Can't craft "science pack 2" in campaign. Please Help!

Posted: Sun May 04, 2014 12:14 am
by FishSandwich
You're meant to follow the instructions in the objectives. First one is to research automation(the first research on your list that isn't done) after that you will have access to science packs 2(it is scripted into the level to unlock at that point)

Also, the x50 on that screen refers to everything before it. So it's 15 time x 50, 1 science packs 1 x 50 and 1 science packs 2 x 50.

Re: Can't craft "science pack 2" in campaign. Please Help!

Posted: Sun May 04, 2014 8:53 am
by ssilk
Hm. It would be better to display it precalculated. 50x sp1, 50x sp2.

Re: Can't craft "science pack 2" in campaign. Please Help!

Posted: Sun May 04, 2014 11:33 am
by Gammro
The notation isn't clear, but I don't know any other way to represent it. The research is basically 50 cycles of 1 green and 1 red. Some researches, however, use more than 1 research pack per cycle. for example, some are 150x cycles of 1 alien, 2 red and 2 green. If you know this, it's clear how it works. But it isn't intuitive.

Re: Can't craft "science pack 2" in campaign. Please Help!

Posted: Sun May 04, 2014 12:14 pm
by ssilk
Yeah. Forget my above post. I forgot that these are the research cycles.