Multiplayer Steam name (Factorio user name) ban option?
Posted: Sun Sep 18, 2016 4:20 pm
Hi guys,
Too many public games get ruined by trolls / griefers, so I suggest (if the devs hear me):
1) To have a list with players in game so we can select the person to be banned (last time we had a guy with a nickname .. so we could not type his nicknamename).
2) If it is possible to be able to keep a banlist (even better if it is shareable somehow between players) that identify banned players by steam name or factorio account name (as I understand there is an option to change your name so simply banning a nickname would not have much effect)
In my opinion this would solve a lot of issues and add to the already really awesome multiplayer experience!
P.S. there was a guy who suggested, and maybe it is a good idea - to have a VoteBan command (maybe allowed / disallowed by admin) for multiplayer games.
Too many public games get ruined by trolls / griefers, so I suggest (if the devs hear me):
1) To have a list with players in game so we can select the person to be banned (last time we had a guy with a nickname .. so we could not type his nicknamename).
2) If it is possible to be able to keep a banlist (even better if it is shareable somehow between players) that identify banned players by steam name or factorio account name (as I understand there is an option to change your name so simply banning a nickname would not have much effect)
In my opinion this would solve a lot of issues and add to the already really awesome multiplayer experience!
P.S. there was a guy who suggested, and maybe it is a good idea - to have a VoteBan command (maybe allowed / disallowed by admin) for multiplayer games.