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Proposal for refactored modding forums

Posted: Thu Sep 15, 2016 2:47 pm
by aubergine18
The modding-related forums are far more active than all the other contribution forums. Over time, they've also built up lots of cruft. Maybe it's time for a refactor?

Code: Select all

Modding (top level forum)
+- Official Mod Portal
+- Making Mods
|  |
|  +- Ideas for Mods
|  |
|  +- Modding Guides
|  |
|  +- Modding Help
|  |
|  +- Modding API feedback
|     |
|     +-< subforums for implemented, etc
+- Mod Announcements & Feedback
   +- WIP / Alpha Mods
   +- Mega Mods (Bobs, Angels, etc)
   |  |
   |  +-< subforum per bundle
   +- Overhaul Mods
   +- Extension Mods
   +- Helper Mods
   +- Decorative Mods
   +- Mod Packs
   +- Salvaged Mods (unofficial updates)
   +- Abandoned Mods
Discuss ;)

Re: Proposal for refactored modding forums

Posted: Thu Sep 15, 2016 8:17 pm
by Adil
I fail to grasp the difference from the current state.

Re: Proposal for refactored modding forums

Posted: Thu Sep 15, 2016 11:06 pm
by aubergine18
Adil wrote:I fail to grasp the difference from the current state.
The current state is a lot of stuff is buried under the 0.12 mods forum, and there are also several forums for abandoned mods, and even a weird forum with links to certain mod authors which seems redundant now that the mod portal can do that (just click any mod developer name in mod portal to see all their mods).

A key point of the refactor proposed above is to remove game version from the equation. People's primary source of mods should be the mod portal, and the forum should be more about discussion of the mods (eg. bug reporting and feedback).