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Graphics pauses on Ubuntu Intel Integrated Graphics

Posted: Mon Sep 05, 2016 9:00 pm
by yesimon
Ubuntu 16.04 64-bit
16 GiB
750 Ti
Factorio 13.20
nvidia drivers

I recently tried running Factorio on integrated graphics instead of my nvidia card and have been getting multi-second graphics render stops every few seconds (happens more often if zoomed out). However I am still moving and seems like the game engine is still going. Checking FPS I am mostly getting 55+ with some drops to 40ish+. I have edited the bios to give Intel graphics 1024Mb ram. This occurs even with no mods on a newly generated map.

This is pretty strange because I can definitely play on my Macbook Air 13" with much worse specs just fine. Also using the 750Ti works just fine. Is there any way to further debug this?

Re: Graphics pauses on Ubuntu Intel Integrated Graphics

Posted: Thu Sep 08, 2016 6:09 pm
by bk5115545
Does it only affect Factorio?

Re: Graphics pauses on Ubuntu Intel Integrated Graphics

Posted: Tue Sep 20, 2016 1:33 am
by yesimon
Yes, I tried Civ5, which even though I get FPS in the mid 20s, I don't get any multi-second pauses.