All signals work as path signals ([0.13.20] Rails driving me crazy)
Posted: Fri Sep 02, 2016 5:30 am
Ok I'm trying to work with a dual rail system. They are side by side with right side going N/E and Left going S/W. This works fine UNLESS I do a cross. It seems not be creating a proper "block" though it says it is. Look at the attached pictures to know more.
The system work really well even without signals, but I need a few signals here and there to prevent trains from running into other. Is there a way to make or give the option to signals or trains not to check crossovers UNLESS the train is specially pathing through the crossover, as you can see in the second picture the trains is stopping because it "sees" the other train through the crossover even thought the train isnt using that path. Yes, I know can space them out and place signals there, but I've already made quite the extensive rail system using this which worked for awhile till I started adding more and more crossovers. In some cases it was "seeing" trains way further away than the block with crossovers, like almost across the map in some cases. Just a suggestion, dont know if this can be considered a bug or just a minor issue. If I knew more about Lua i believe i could make something to fix it. Also, it would be nice for a de-jam function to the signals and trains. where if it detects a jam it will try to resolve it with some logic if possible and if not at least alert the player of the issue.
I dont know if this will be addressed or not, if you need anymore input or files let me know.
The system work really well even without signals, but I need a few signals here and there to prevent trains from running into other. Is there a way to make or give the option to signals or trains not to check crossovers UNLESS the train is specially pathing through the crossover, as you can see in the second picture the trains is stopping because it "sees" the other train through the crossover even thought the train isnt using that path. Yes, I know can space them out and place signals there, but I've already made quite the extensive rail system using this which worked for awhile till I started adding more and more crossovers. In some cases it was "seeing" trains way further away than the block with crossovers, like almost across the map in some cases. Just a suggestion, dont know if this can be considered a bug or just a minor issue. If I knew more about Lua i believe i could make something to fix it. Also, it would be nice for a de-jam function to the signals and trains. where if it detects a jam it will try to resolve it with some logic if possible and if not at least alert the player of the issue.
I dont know if this will be addressed or not, if you need anymore input or files let me know.