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bobmods.lib.add_recipe_item changed in 0.13?

Posted: Wed Aug 17, 2016 5:28 pm
by Dilbe
I used to use the following code in a mod to make modules more expensive, but this does not work anymore in 0.13.
bobmods.lib.add_recipe_item("productivity-module-2", {"productivity-module", 1})
bobmods.lib.add_recipe_item("productivity-module-4", {"productivity-module-3", 1})
bobmods.lib.add_recipe_item("productivity-module-5", {"productivity-module-4", 1})
bobmods.lib.add_recipe_item("productivity-module-7", {"productivity-module-6", 1})
bobmods.lib.add_recipe_item("productivity-module-8", {"productivity-module-7", 1})

Did the function bobmods.lib.add_recipe_item change in 0.13? If so, is there a different function i can use to add ingredients to a recipe?

Re: bobmods.lib.add_recipe_item changed in 0.13?

Posted: Thu Aug 18, 2016 4:23 am
by bobingabout
It was replaced with

Code: Select all

bobmods.lib.recipe.add_ingredient(recipe, item)
However, there is a legacy include that translates that to the old name.

It should still just function as before.

Without further information about what it is or isn't doing, I can't help.

Re: bobmods.lib.add_recipe_item changed in 0.13?

Posted: Thu Aug 18, 2016 5:29 am
by Dilbe
Thank you for the reply, Bob.

In version 0.12 this piece of code:
bobmods.lib.add_recipe_item("productivity-module-2", {"productivity-module", 1})
made the productivity module 2 require 2 productivity modules 1 as input to make. So to make 1 productivity module 2, you'd need 2 productivity 1. (instead of the 1 it would normally require without that code).

In 0.13 the productivty 2 module now still only requires 1 productivity module 1. Even if i change it to:
bobmods.lib.add_recipe_item("productivity-module-2", {"productivity-module", 2})
It then still only requires 1 productivty module 1.

edit: replacing add_recipe_item with recipe.add_ingredient still didn't make it work as i expected )-:

Re: bobmods.lib.add_recipe_item changed in 0.13?

Posted: Thu Aug 18, 2016 11:06 pm
by Dilbe
I see that the function has been changed and I found the problem for me.

If i change

Code: Select all

function bobmods.lib.item.add(list, item_in) --increments amount if exists
  local item = bobmods.lib.item.item(item_in)
  local addit = true
  for i, object in pairs(list) do
    if object[1] == or == then
      addit = false
      object = bobmods.lib.item.combine(object, item)
  if addit then table.insert(list, item) end

Code: Select all

function bobmods.lib.item.add(list, item_in) --increments amount if exists
  local item = bobmods.lib.item.item(item_in)
  local addit = true
  for i, object in pairs(list) do
    if object[1] == or == then
      addit = false
      object = bobmods.lib.item.combine(object, item_in)
      list[i] = object
  if addit then table.insert(list, item) end
Then it works the way i expect it too work.

I made 2 changes, the amount to increment with was not passed onto bobmods.lib.item.combine, because it passed item, instead of item_in. And the result object was not used in the input recipe list, so i overrode the old ingredient with the result from bobmods.lib.item.combine.

I'm not sure if this is a bug or if i am trying to use it for something it is not meant for, so i added a copy of the old 0.12 function to my own mod, and now i have what i want (-: So i'm happy.

Re: bobmods.lib.add_recipe_item changed in 0.13?

Posted: Sat Aug 20, 2016 2:12 pm
by bobingabout
Hmm, it's odd that your version works and mine doesn't.

item is just item_in restructured, for the purpose of passing to the combine function, they should be the same thing.

in the object in pairs(list) loop, object should be a pointer to list, not a copy of it, therefore writing back to object should automatically write back to list at the same time. This second part though may be the issue, if I simply replace object with list as the save point in the line that calls the combine function, then it should fix the issue.

Re: bobmods.lib.add_recipe_item changed in 0.13?

Posted: Sat Aug 20, 2016 11:22 pm
by Dilbe
Your right, passing item works, item_in is not needed. Changing only the thing you said also fixes it. So then the code would be

Code: Select all

function bobmods.lib.item.add(list, item_in) --increments amount if exists
  local item = bobmods.lib.item.item(item_in)
  local addit = true
  for i, object in pairs(list) do
    if object[1] == or == then
      addit = false
      list[i] = bobmods.lib.item.combine(object, item)
  if addit then table.insert(list, item) end
In normal object oriented programming that would be what i expect, because you replace the pointer, not the value the pointer points to.

Re: bobmods.lib.add_recipe_item changed in 0.13?

Posted: Sat Aug 20, 2016 11:53 pm
by bobingabout
I have made the same change myself... but there are other WIP things in my current version, so it will just get added to my WIP changelog for now.