Day-Night cycle extender selction in game options
Posted: Tue Aug 09, 2016 7:49 pm
Game option to select a longer day and night cycle. (like those under graphic )
This would not change ratio between day and night just make both longer
Why- in beginning game the cycle is very fast (more of a annoyance), but once power suit with night vision is reach becomes less of a problem. (maybe intended?)
Note: option to change ratio Day-Night cycle to more night (bad solar) could be interesting game option for Dark planets .
Example: planet in "Pitch black" day light all the time except random event total dark. maybe bitters become super active.
This would not change ratio between day and night just make both longer
Why- in beginning game the cycle is very fast (more of a annoyance), but once power suit with night vision is reach becomes less of a problem. (maybe intended?)
Note: option to change ratio Day-Night cycle to more night (bad solar) could be interesting game option for Dark planets .
Example: planet in "Pitch black" day light all the time except random event total dark. maybe bitters become super active.