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Minimap zooming

Posted: Fri Aug 05, 2016 5:58 pm
by Harkonnen604
it would be nice if operating mouse wheel over minimap would zoom it in and out.

Re: Minimap zooming

Posted: Sat Aug 06, 2016 2:15 pm
by ssilk
I don't know if I like the idea, cause the minimap enables also (after some experience) to estimate the distances much better (you know after a while, how long it takes to run to a point on the minimap). When you can zoom in out there, this becomes useless. I see also not the real need for this.

Instead I would favor, that I can open an extra map-window (or multiple extra maps) which stays on screen. See OpenTTD:


You have there severals configuration possibilites, like "lock on character", or trains etc. or just stay on an area; show only enemies, and hundreds of more options. The minimap as it currently is for me some kind of head-up-display, that can just be turned on/off, but cannot be changed (cause of the above reasons).

Added to viewtopic.php?f=80&t=18153 Information-Layers (for map and/or normal view)

Re: Minimap zooming

Posted: Sat Aug 06, 2016 7:43 pm
by Harkonnen604
Minimap may show % of zoom to get back to normal 100% (with potential ctrl-0 hotkey to return to 100% like in browsers). It's just too frequent that I want to see something nearby or get general picture on running direction, but have to go full map instead. What you speak about is interesting idea as well, it also was in Settlers2.

Re: Minimap zooming

Posted: Wed Apr 28, 2021 10:28 pm
by Joe78man
I want to revive this. I need the minimap for immediate action. To check how far is a point I can press M and take my time to check everything. The minimap is way too much zoomed out. Actually it's 23 times zoomed out (mouse wheel) from the closest possition
1. Press M
2. Zoom in all the way down
3. mousewheel 23 time out and the size of the map is the same as the minimap

The idea of a minimap is to see things that are going on close by but outside of the main view. I actually don't detect enemies moving because of the size. I want the minimap to be useful for what minimaps are, that is being alerted to things close by that need immediate action. 10 times zoomed out from the closest point (as a reference) wooul be fine but the best scenario would be to be able to zoom in the minimap, this would please those who want to see very far or close by