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[0.13.x] Ping "Can't Reach"

Posted: Tue Jul 26, 2016 2:27 pm
by Megapants
Hey everyone,

I'm running a headless server on Ubuntu Linux and I can't get the ping to show up in the server browser:

I'm able to ping the server IP directly with no issue. It connects and plays fine.

Any ideas?

Re: [0.13.x] Ping "Can't Reach"

Posted: Tue Jul 26, 2016 3:10 pm
by Kayanor
As far as I checked the multiplayer server list, the ping is nearly always "can't reach".

Re: [0.13.x] Ping "Can't Reach"

Posted: Tue Jul 26, 2016 11:45 pm
by Megapants
You're right. About half of the servers that I checked state "can't reach", but I can't really find a pattern as to why. Perhaps this belongs in the Bug Reports/Minor Issues board?

Re: [0.13.x] Ping "Can't Reach"

Posted: Wed Jul 27, 2016 5:45 pm
by Kayanor
Moved from Technical Help to Bug Reports.

Re: [0.13.x] Ping "Can't Reach"

Posted: Thu Jul 28, 2016 10:35 am
by Klonan
This should hopefully be resolved with the multiplayer rewrite,
So if the issue persists in 0.14 please make another report

Re: [0.13.x] Ping "Can't Reach"

Posted: Mon Aug 08, 2016 1:50 am
by TruePikachu
Just putting this out there, is the ping via the UDP the multiplayer uses, or is it an ICMP ping? Many ISPs will block inbound ICMP messages, as will several routers.

Re: [0.13.x] Ping "Can't Reach"

Posted: Mon Aug 08, 2016 2:00 am
by Megapants
To follow up on that, my iptables rules include the following:

Code: Select all

# IPv4 Ping
-A INPUT -p icmp -m state --state NEW --icmp-type 8 -j ACCEPT

# IPv6 Ping
-A INPUT -p icmpv6 -j ACCEPT
Which should allow all ICMP functions.

Re: [0.13.x] Ping "Can't Reach"

Posted: Sat Aug 27, 2016 3:00 am
I am running 0.14.1 and it went from sporadically being able to ping servers in 0.13 to can't ping any of them in 0.14.

Re: [0.13.x] Ping "Can't Reach"

Posted: Sat Aug 27, 2016 6:53 pm
by ili
This is what I get (0.14.1)

1. open the "Browse public games"
2. highlight a server and see that you get a value under "ping"
3. highlight any other server and you will get "Ping: can't reach", even when going back to the first server that showed a valid ping the first time
4. go out of "Browse public games" and open it again, now again the ping will show only for the first server you highlight...

So the server browser ping works only the first time

Re: [0.13.x] Ping "Can't Reach"

Posted: Tue Aug 30, 2016 12:15 pm
by kovarex
This is solved for the next (0.14.2) release