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Hardcore Mode And Building Placement Restriction

Posted: Mon Jul 25, 2016 4:10 am
by ClockworkAlex
Now, when I say hardcore mode I mainly mean a world that is deleted upon death. Just like Diablo and Minecraft and every other game with hardcore modes. Yes you can just start over when you die but I dont want the temptation at all. There is a reason countless other games have this feature. I would also bump the difficulty up for this mode as well. The incoming biters should be relentless. This game is WAY too easy right now and I am a noob!!

The second modification could possibly be included in this mod or made seperate. Placing turrets 20 feet from a biter base is just cheap and never gives the biters a chance for one second. Make it so Structures cannot be placed near biter camps. This would force players to go on the offensive the way I think the devs intended, with guns and grenades.

Re: Hardcore Mode And Building Placement Restriction

Posted: Mon Jul 25, 2016 5:36 am
by Koub
ClockworkAlex wrote:Now, when I say hardcore mode I mainly mean a world that is deleted upon death. Just like Diablo and Minecraft and every other game with hardcore modes. Yes you can just start over when you die but I dont want the temptation at all. There is a reason countless other games have this feature. I would also bump the difficulty up for this mode as well. The incoming biters should be relentless. This game is WAY too easy right now and I am a noob!!
This one is quite new and interesting (not for me of course, but for real hardcore true roXXors who like to suffer and cry tears of blood). You could even pair it with some kind of Iron Man option (no saves possible during gameplay, no autosaves, only save on game exit, and no reload, only on game launch).
ClockworkAlex wrote:The second modification could possibly be included in this mod or made seperate. Placing turrets 20 feet from a biter base is just cheap and never gives the biters a chance for one second. Make it so Structures cannot be placed near biter camps. This would force players to go on the offensive the way I think the devs intended, with guns and grenades.
This one is an old and common suggestion to prevent turret creep. Either prevent placing turrets too close, or add a deploy time upon placement.

btw you should make different posts for different suggestions next time, it's easier to discuss.

Re: Hardcore Mode And Building Placement Restriction

Posted: Mon Jul 25, 2016 5:45 am
by ClockworkAlex
Yea your idea for that is even better! As for the turrets I guess I thought it would be good to have in the hardcore mod as one big mod. Since the turret thing has been discussed we can drop that. I really want what I mentioned and your idea. Maybe I will make it. I am ok with Lua, I'm just lazy.

Re: Hardcore Mode And Building Placement Restriction

Posted: Mon Jul 25, 2016 5:46 am
by Nexela
ClockworkAlex wrote:The second modification could possibly be included in this mod or made seperate. Placing turrets 20 feet from a biter base is just cheap and never gives the biters a chance for one second. Make it so Structures cannot be placed near biter camps. This would force players to go on the offensive the way I think the devs intended, with guns and grenades.

I wonder how my many people would use something like this....... guess we will find out Incoming shortly!!!!!

Re: Hardcore Mode And Building Placement Restriction

Posted: Mon Jul 25, 2016 10:36 am
by Nexela
Here is a teaser of what I have so far! Let me know if you have any other ideas!

Code: Select all

--Config File

--Radius of tiles from spawn location to ignore building restrictions. Gives you a little bit of room in case biters move in fast.
SPAWNDISTANCE = 20 --default: 400

--Radius of tiles from enemy where stuff can't be built
BUILDDISTANCE = 100  --default:100

--Limit mode for building restrictions
--Available options are: easy, medium, hard
--easy - Only limits building of turret type entites when in range of enimes
--medium - Can only build cars/tanks when in the range of an enemy
--hard -  No Building of ANY entity when in the range of an enemy, this includes cars, hope you can run FAST!
MODE = medium --default:medium

--Will pull 1 coal out of thin air and put it in your car when crafted if there are enemies around. NOT IMPLEMENTED YET
QUICKGETAWAY = false --default:false

--Turn on detailed debugging
DEBUG = true --default:false

Re: Hardcore Mode And Building Placement Restriction

Posted: Tue Jul 26, 2016 7:25 am
by ClockworkAlex
Nexela wrote:Here is a teaser of what I have so far! Let me know if you have any other ideas!

Code: Select all

--Config File

--Radius of tiles from spawn location to ignore building restrictions. Gives you a little bit of room in case biters move in fast.
SPAWNDISTANCE = 20 --default: 400

--Radius of tiles from enemy where stuff can't be built
BUILDDISTANCE = 100  --default:100

--Limit mode for building restrictions
--Available options are: easy, medium, hard
--easy - Only limits building of turret type entites when in range of enimes
--medium - Can only build cars/tanks when in the range of an enemy
--hard -  No Building of ANY entity when in the range of an enemy, this includes cars, hope you can run FAST!
MODE = medium --default:medium

--Will pull 1 coal out of thin air and put it in your car when crafted if there are enemies around. NOT IMPLEMENTED YET
QUICKGETAWAY = false --default:false

--Turn on detailed debugging
DEBUG = true --default:false

Heck yea Nexela your my Hero! That looks perfect tbh on the spacing.

I do actually have an idea. Any way to make pollution much worse then it currently is and/or r have a few biter scouts attack even with no pollution? Dunno about everyone else but I never get attacked enough in this game. Its lonely out there!

Re: Hardcore Mode And Building Placement Restriction

Posted: Tue Jul 26, 2016 9:44 am
by Nexela
Another little teaser!

Code: Select all

--Turret Cooldown, number of seconds before a placed turret will become active  set to 0 to disable cooldown. TODO in progress.
COOLDOWN = 5 --default:5

This went from something simple to something awesome in a heartbeat :)

Re: Hardcore Mode And Building Placement Restriction

Posted: Tue Jul 26, 2016 11:16 am
by ClockworkAlex
Nexela wrote:Another little teaser!

Code: Select all

--Turret Cooldown, number of seconds before a placed turret will become active  set to 0 to disable cooldown. TODO in progress.
COOLDOWN = 5 --default:5

This went from something simple to something awesome in a heartbeat :)

That is perfect. Really the ultimate goal is to simply make the game harder. I love losing. I want a challenge! I think other people do too. That's why Dark Souls is so popular.

Re: Hardcore Mode And Building Placement Restriction

Posted: Tue Jul 26, 2016 3:16 pm
by Nexela
Ok I need a name for this mod! Also any other ideas you might have.

I am not so sure about the pollution/biter aspect of it as there are many other mods which deal with this.

Reminder to self - make sure we can still build capsules

What about mines, should they be restricted too? A Cooldown before activation?

I hope to have a working alpha up tomorrow morning.

Re: Hardcore Mode And Building Placement Restriction

Posted: Tue Jul 26, 2016 6:46 pm
by ClockworkAlex
Mines are ok for now. Can't think of anything else in regards to this modification.

Oh, almost forgot. For a name maybe Engagement mod. Focus on the fact that the fights will be between the player and the biters. Not turrets.

Re: Hardcore Mode And Building Placement Restriction

Posted: Thu Jul 28, 2016 3:39 pm
by Nexela
More and more delays. Just not enough hours in the day!
Quite a bit of progress done though
ClockworkAlex wrote:For a name maybe Engagement mod
With a little bit of tweaking.... Strict Engagements -- The no more turret creep mod

I hope to have a decent alpha ready by this time tomorrow :) for real this time. Not sure if the TurretCooldown portion will be ready though.

The code for enabling/disabling autofill is almost complete too but I forgot to add in the required parts to the latest autofill release.

I think "Medium" mode will turn off repair packs when you are in a vehicle. I can't just remove/restore from the inventory because if they are set up as logistic requests you could end up with millions of them. so I would have to enable/disable requests for them also.... I wonder if its possible to set a request to 0.......

As to the default mode, Should it be Easy/Turrets Only? or Medium/cars, mines, capsules?
Also should the quick getaway option be enabled by default? It puts 1 coal in your car when it is built. from your inventory if you have it or magically from the ground if you don't.

Re: Hardcore Mode And Building Placement Restriction

Posted: Fri Jul 29, 2016 12:45 pm
by Nexela

Re: Hardcore Mode And Building Placement Restriction

Posted: Wed Aug 17, 2016 1:59 am
by ClockworkAlex
Woooo! Been playing it. So far so good. Havent noticed any major bugs. I was having trouble with repair tools but for some reason it isnt doing that any more. This mod makes the game WAY more fun imo. I have to kick up my weapons production significantly for these games.