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State of the Art

Posted: Thu Jul 21, 2016 12:56 am
by nonstickfrypan
Many, many years ago I saw this demo on the Amiga:

And I was 90% impressed because I was an Amiga demo coder and I could understand how it was done and visualize how I might reproduce it myself.

Fast forward to today and I see this:

And I am 100% impressed. It blows my mind. I am not one to give false praise. That is seriously awesome stuff and a tribute not only to the work of @DemiPixel but the entire factorio team. Honestly, I am essentially speechless.

Re: State of the Art

Posted: Thu Jul 21, 2016 5:46 am
by Koub
You've now been rickrolled :mrgreen:

btw if you're into the demo thing, you shoudl give a look at .the .product, by Farbrausch, the most impressive 64k demo I've seen. The video can be found here : If you're looking for the original content, plus infos, and more demos by Farbrausch :

If you find this a little ... meh, just to put things into perspective : .the .product holds in a file less than 64 kb. and it was released originally in 2000.

Re: State of the Art

Posted: Thu Jul 21, 2016 12:07 pm
by ssilk
Sorry, but for me this was too off-topic. So moved from General to Off-topic.

Edit: Moved back to general and linked also with Fan Art. :)

For Germans I recommend to install ProxTube Addon (The video is prohibited by GEMA in Germany).

Re: State of the Art

Posted: Mon Oct 03, 2016 6:13 pm
by Mendel
Many things I am puzzled about this but first two three most stupid questions I have in my mind:

1) Which mods are used?
2) Is the music just edited in into a video or is there a way to insert any music into the game and launch it by circuit condition?
3) Where does the electricity come from to the lights? I see big power poles in the middle of the grid but they dont give that kind of coverage in vanilla.