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[13.9] [Twinsen] Sideloading on disabled transport belt activates belt

Posted: Tue Jul 19, 2016 6:10 pm
by XKnight
Consider next build:
Even if belt is disabled it is still possible to load it by sideloading:

Expected behaviour: sideloading should be disabled.

Re: [13.9] Sideloading on disabled transport belt activates belt

Posted: Tue Jul 19, 2016 6:30 pm
by gheift
Damn, didn't noticed it yet. They changed the behavior from 0.13.8 to 0.13.9:
Items stop correctly before a belt deactivated using the circuit network. (28766)
Looks like the sideloading has still the old behavior.

I used the old behavior where items "swap" onto the start of a deactivated belt and were signaled to the circuit network to collect items on different belts and let them flow together. This is not possible anymore :(

Re: [13.9] Sideloading on disabled transport belt activates belt

Posted: Wed Jul 20, 2016 10:21 am
by Klonan
Thanks for the report,

Though i am not sure if it is a bug, if you want to disable side loading, you should disable the belts that it is side-loading to?

Anyway i will move to confirm to let Twinsen make the final call

Re: [13.9] [Twinsen] [Not a bug?] Sideloading on disabled transport belt activates belt

Posted: Wed Jul 20, 2016 4:50 pm
by XKnight
Klonan wrote: Though i am not sure if it is a bug, if you want to disable side loading, you should disable the belts that it is side-loading to?
I also think in the same way... It is responsibility of the previous belt to provide items to the next belt, so for sideloading it is very reasonable.
But this means that regular loading (direct) should have slightly different behaviour: item must move on the disabled belt without checking its state, because this moving is the responsibility of the previous belt which is active.

Re: [13.9] [Twinsen] [Not a bug?] Sideloading on disabled transport belt activates belt

Posted: Wed Aug 03, 2016 1:51 pm
by Twinsen
Fixed in Version: 0.13.14
For consistency it now behaves the same as the front side(items are not allowed to enter the belt).

Arguably i think this is the intuitive way it should work. A belt is disabled so it should not allow items to be pushed onto it.