Can make built entities indestructible/unminable/inoperable/unrotatable
Print script events.
Time of day: Normal, always daytime or always nighttime
Itemlist. (has Search feature)
Enable all tech. (irreversible)
Tool: (Called mjollnir. Can be spawned from Tool settings.)
Resource: Spawn new single infinite resource or make existing ones infinite. (resource selection is missing currently)
Teleport: Move around by holding button and dragging your mouse. Speed depends on distance between player and cursor.)
Selector: Click-drag-release. Cut/Copy/Paste/Remove square area of entities. Selector also has pattern option to copy selection and paste it multiple times in all axis directions.(video)
Filler: Click-drag-release to select player made entities you wanna fill with one type of item.
Added stack valid_for_read -check for cursorstack.
Added Autorefill option for filler.
Tweaked Click-drag-release method. Single click not adequate for selection.
MP desync fix
Hopefully fixed "bad player index" -notice
Added global structure guard
Tool change. Click-drag-release fuction for filler and selector -mode.
Removed lighting effect
Fixed solar panel's energy usage_priority
Enabled newly made recipe viewer.
Fixed error on build when test mode not active.
Activation command can again also be used for deactivation. "/c"testmode","activate","
Factorio 0.12.x changes.
Character can use the tool outside build rangelimit.
Disabled unusable recipe viewer for this release.
Added Item and recipe counting for recipe viewer.
Fixed chunkgeneration printing.
Changed color setting interface.
Added resource selection for resource spawning tool.
Added force selection in build options.
Searching & selecting another item from itemlist to ingredient/product viewer made possible.
Recepies in color frames.
added "Made of" and "Used in" buttons to view crafting diagram (prototype)
added fluid icon button styles
Rearrange game settings tab.
Added build options and kill all enemies button.
Added keys research and train in print events.
tm-electric-pole's supply area toned down to 16
Warp to player should be ok now.
Edited event printing. Hopefully desync fix.
Itemlist: Items can be viewed in groups instead item types
Itemlist: Added scroll buttons if more then 6 groups
Taking use of onplayercreated event
fix of LuaPlayer: username => name
Tool uses onbuiltentity -event and so the range is limited in character. God mode crashes in Factorio 0.11.1
Player data is saved with username instead index
Fix remote call."testmode", "activate", username). In single player username is ""
0.11.0 (test version)
update to factorio 0.11.x
Player list
Warp list
Peacefulmode toggle
test mode solar/pole. search word "test" in itemlist.
Toggle god mode in freeplay (game settings)
Some code overhaul.
zip/folder name change
Postprocessor fix
Itemlist has icons
Name change. 2pointlasso -> Selector
Selector has pattern option to copy selection and paste it multiple times in all axis directions
Mod loading order does not matter anymore.
Small textfield bug fix
Fixed some bad entity positioning when pasting.
Added resizerowtowidth like kovarex suggested
Increased table width by 2.
Fixed express item buttons.
Moved search field below item types.
the search textfield is now in same window as itemlist. I think I forgot to check the case if you push one of the item type buttons while you have used the search box, but I think it should work in overall.
added 1 in textfield when asked about stacksize.
disabled the red x marker
Activation popup on start of game.
Old cleaner is now Cut/Copy/Paste/Remove -multitool. I think I named i "2 Point Lasso" for some reason... I made 10s markers for corners and deleted entities.I can't garantee all entities paste fine, but you can choose what entities to copy by name. Paste placement depends on top left corner position. Excluded types player, decoration, particle and corpse for now.
Filler has option to fill with material that was use last time.
itemlist has search option. When clicked, popup will ask search key.
textfield to enter item/stack counts
Restore mode inserts item if player is out of them -> ON/OFF- button
Tool works again.
Popup GUIs. This is used when user needs to select stacksize or itemtype.
Container filler. When active and container is build, popup gui will provide several options to fill the container. (some raw material for quick access, select from bigger list or cancel)
Item lists are once again sorted.
Script now takes advantage of new player.cursorstack -method instead counting all content of inventories.
Re: Introduction, Downloads & Release history
Posted: Sat Mar 22, 2014 11:35 pm
by SpencerS145
As soon as I saw this mod, I downloaded and installed it. What a wonderful concept!
Problem is, whenever I click the button to open the "Test Mode" GUI, I crash with the error message: "doesn't contain property resizerowtowidth."
Please, help D:
PS: I'm going to try to fix this myself by removing one line of code; I think I know what the problem may be.
Edit: I fixed it. The suggestion you got had caused it to break; removing that line of code fixes it.
As a temporary solution to the crashes, it works. As a permanent one, maybe more aesthetically pleasing menus are a better run for your money.
Re: Introduction, Downloads & Release history
Posted: Mon Mar 24, 2014 10:19 am
by rk84
SpencerS145 wrote:Excellent!
As soon as I saw this mod, I downloaded and installed it. What a wonderful concept!
Problem is, whenever I click the button to open the "Test Mode" GUI, I crash with the error message: "doesn't contain property resizerowtowidth."
Please, help D:
PS: I'm going to try to fix this myself by removing one line of code; I think I know what the problem may be.
Edit: I fixed it. The suggestion you got had caused it to break; removing that line of code fixes it.
As a temporary solution to the crashes, it works. As a permanent one, maybe more aesthetically pleasing menus are a better run for your money.
Problem might be you have Factorio 0.9.2 or older?
If you have more to report, I made bug reports thread.
I also made suggestion thread.
Released test-mode_0.11.1 "hopefully". dropbox did it's best to mess up.
There is know bug that is resolved in Factorio 0.11.2 and you can avoid it by not using godmode.
I have not done any multiplayer test with anyone. So feedback on mp usage is appreciated.
Re: Introduction, Downloads & Release history
Posted: Wed Nov 19, 2014 3:09 pm
by rk84
Released 0.11.3
Added onplayercreated to handle gui activation.
Godmode still ctd if you mine something. I did not encounter other problems, but again not much mp testing.
Re: Introduction, Downloads & Release history
Posted: Mon Jan 12, 2015 7:46 am
by Choumiko
A little late but sill: Thanks for the mod, not only is it providing really good features for testing stuff but also helped me learn the gui stuff
One question though: Under what license is your mod? I'd like to use the way you create your tm-icon- styles in my mod. I could make Test mode a dependencie, but that seems wrong as it's only for the styles.
Re: Introduction, Downloads & Release history
Posted: Thu Jan 15, 2015 12:45 am
by rk84
Choumiko wrote:A little late but sill: Thanks for the mod, not only is it providing really good features for testing stuff but also helped me learn the gui stuff
One question though: Under what license is your mod? I'd like to use the way you create your tm-icon- styles in my mod. I could make Test mode a dependencie, but that seems wrong as it's only for the styles.
I guess the default license.
I'm not sure how license works if you use part of my mod in your mod, but it is ok by me.
Good luck with your mod.
Re: Introduction, Downloads & Release history
Posted: Thu Jan 22, 2015 8:25 pm
by rk84
Update 0.11.4
I made a small improvement in itemlisting. Item groups and scroll buttons if there is more then 6 groups.
I haven't run into problem with too many items in list but mayby I should add scroll buttons to actual list too.
EDIT: I finally did some multiplayer testing.
-print events option seems to desych game every time you click gui
-warp to player does not work, but is fixed for next release. Warp points works.
Re: Introduction, Downloads & Release history
Posted: Wed Jan 28, 2015 11:41 am
by rk84
Update 0.11.5
-Warp to player button should work now.
-Hopefully print events does not desync any more. I have not tested in mp, but I got rid of serpent.line that were used to print out lua table of event.
Re: Introduction, Downloads & Release history
Posted: Sun Apr 26, 2015 12:52 pm
by linshuboy
Thank you for your excellent work again!
This is my translation text for zh-CN:(format UTF-8withoutBOM)