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[0.13.5] mac crash - permission issue

Posted: Wed Jul 06, 2016 12:41 am
by Case
Hey mates..

I just got this :)
Screen shot and log in the attachment.

I have quite the trouble with the autosave corruption. So I started a copy of a working save file and saved and loaded it every ca.15min. Everything was ok so far then I wanted to exit the game and the popup for the save reminder came up .. I hit ok and the game crashed. I tried to restart the game and the screenshot happened :). I had to sudo remove the folder with the terminal commands. After this the game started and the last save was still loadable.

After doing the save and load again for a bit the save and the autosaves got corrupted again .. sorry the logs are gone for that.

I hope it helps a bit

good luck :)

Re: [0.13.5] mac crash - permission issue

Posted: Wed Jul 06, 2016 10:24 am
by kovarex
If you had corrupted the autosave and this is happening to you as well, I would highly suggest checking the hardware or system stability.

Re: [0.13.5] mac crash - permission issue

Posted: Thu Jul 07, 2016 2:02 am
by Case
Hey mate..

Hmm .. so I checked my system from top to bottom :) and the hardware and integrity is ok at least what I can see.

I updated to 0.13.6 and still had these weird behaviour. So I decided to dive a little bit into it to see if I can gather a bit more information.

Crash report:
1) update to 0.13.6 (normal steam update)
2) start game and load the last working file "No Hands ... Crash test"
3) play a little bit around in the game and save to new "No Hands ... CT 1" file
4) at this point I saw I had my research mod enabled (nothing serious just some outputs) - so I disabled it and restarted the game
4) load CT1 .. worked fine (I did not close factorio in-between the following tests .. just load and save)
5) play around .. save to "No Hands .. CT2"
6) load CT2 ... worked fine
7) ... same as above till CT6 (all saves to different files)
8) CT 6 runs in background while I check the activity monitor ... and crashes with the "crash_log_while_running_CT6_0.13.6_01.log" (see attachment). Maybe you can read this a little bit better than I can .. its quite a while for me where I could understand these reports in detail. Looks like thread 16 terminated while doing some MapDeserialization.
I also have a sample dump "Sample of factorio_02.txt" (see also attachment) extracted from the activity monitor shortly before the process terminates.

9) here I saved the "factorio-current.log" - oddly for me there is no loading for CT2 CT3 CT4 CT5 not sure but I guess it should be logged?
10) restart the game and try to load CT6 - crash with "crash_log_loading_CT6_0.13.6_02.log" same here thread 16 MapDeserializaion
11) restart the game and try to load CT5 - crash .. it was the same log so no file
12) restart the game and try to load CT4 - crash ..
13) restart the game and try to load CT3 - crash
14) restart the game and try to load CT2 - crash
15) restart the game and try to load CT1 - load successful and the game started normal

As you can see the crash corrupted all the save files from this session beside the CT1 which was my first load for this session and it was generated the session before.

I hope you can make out heads from tails here :) and if you need more information let me know what you need. I could run a complete debug session with XCode if needed but I let you have a look at the logs first .. good luck mate

Edit: I have a rail segment in this map which I can not interact with .. not sure if this is important, its there since the 0.13.0 update .. it is located at my rail station