Posted: Sat Jul 02, 2016 3:37 pm
I wrote a very simple tool to download new versions from command line. Install via pip:
enter your username and password and it will download the tar.gz to the current directory.
Take a look at the source code on
I also have an ebuild (for factorio) in my gentoo repository, if anyone is interested
Thanks to the devs for doing actual software development and providing a 64bit binaries + tars that we can actually use!
I wrote a very simple tool to download new versions from command line. Install via pip:
Code: Select all
$ pip install --user fctdl
$ fctdl -a x86 0.13.3 ./
Take a look at the source code on
I also have an ebuild (for factorio) in my gentoo repository, if anyone is interested
Thanks to the devs for doing actual software development and providing a 64bit binaries + tars that we can actually use!