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[0.13] Missing research progress.

Posted: Sat Jul 02, 2016 2:46 am
by credomane
This is kinda a hard one to determine.

I've noticed since I start Factorio in 0.12.29 that research actually takes a minuscule amount more than they claim they require.

Depending on how close biter nests are my first research is turrets then automation or visa-versa. Both of these need 10 science packs to research. So that is 20 science packs total. However I find myself always needing 21 science packs to research both of them.
  1. Start a new game.
  2. build 1x water pump, 2x boiler, 3x steam engine, 1x science lab, 20x red science and however small power poles you need.
  3. Shove all 20 science packs into the one lab.
  4. Research Turrets
  5. Research Automation
  6. Find yourself short by a tiny smidgen.
  7. Craft one more red science and toss it into the lab.
  8. Research instantly finished and science pack is 99% remaining.
After I had this happen to me for 2-3 months now I decided to start counting science packs. The problem slowly gets worse as you research more and more. Granted you only lose 1 entire red science and part of a green science over the course of my testing (only part way through red/green research) which is nothing in the grand scheme of things. It is just incredibly annoying to craft 20 packs expecting to get 2 researches complete only to find you are 99.999% done.

Seems like there is some kind of round error somewhere?

Re: [0.13] Missing research progress.

Posted: Sat Jul 02, 2016 3:00 am
by DaveMcW

Re: [0.13] Missing research progress.

Posted: Sat Jul 02, 2016 3:14 am
by credomane
I figured it was a known issue but my searches didn't turn up much of anything. Wasn't using the right words I guess. At least this proves I'm not crazy. :P