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[0.13.0] Seemingly random crash during normal gameplay

Posted: Wed Jun 29, 2016 3:30 am
by FaultyFactoryGuy
Hello, everyone. I don't remember exactly what I had been doing when the crash happened because I was rather focused at the time, but the best I can specify is that I was hooking up some cables for a circuit network between some inserters and a power switch. This is the basic layout of what I was messing with at the time the crash happened, but it is not completely identical to the setup at the time of the crash.
20160628211503_1.jpg (426.16 KiB) Viewed 1145 times
The problem has not recurred and I have not been able to reproduce it yet. (I will edit this post if I find something else)
Here's the log file:
(1.81 KiB) Downloaded 98 times
The save file I was on:
all by myself
(8.78 MiB) Downloaded 99 times
Lastly, it's probably worth mentioning that I tried to launch the game shortly after the crash happened to see if it would happen again or if I could reproduce it. That's all! :)

P.S. This is my first post on the Factorio forums, hopefully I did it right.

Re: [0.13.0] Seemingly random crash during normal gameplay

Posted: Thu Jun 30, 2016 7:15 pm
by kovarex
You didn't include any of the files, but there is big chance it is related to bug already fixed, so if you reproduce it in 0.13.2 (which should come today), let us know.

Re: [0.13.0] Seemingly random crash during normal gameplay

Posted: Fri Jul 01, 2016 12:50 am
by FaultyFactoryGuy
I seem to have accidentally deleted the files I uploaded here from my profile, I'll fix this ASAP.

EDIT: The files should be working now, I just had to upload them again.