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[Twinsen]Filter Inserter "Set Filters" Not Updating Properly

Posted: Wed Jun 29, 2016 1:32 am
by radioflyer651
I've attached the save file with the issue.

It contains filter inserters, attached to a Arithmetic Combinator, which is attached to a Steel Box. The combinator simply multiplies by -1.
There is a constant combinator attached to it, providing positive values.
The filter inserter is set to use the "Set Filters" option.

When the box has less than the number of the items than the constant combinator emits, it will set the filter.
When the box has an equal number of items emitted by the combinator, the filter turns of.

This works as expected most of the time.
It appears that, when an item is close to another one (of the same type), the inserter continues picking up the items that are close to each other, and ignores the filter.

In the attached file, there is an arithmatic combinator showing the inputs of the red and green networks. The filter should turn off when an item total = 0, but many times it allows the total to be negative (meaning the filter should be off).
The save file shouldn't require any actions. When a box falls below 5 items (of a given type), the supply turns on, and you should observe that the combinator will occasionally pick up more items than it should. ...

Re: [Twinsen]Filter Inserter "Set Filters" Not Updating Properly

Posted: Wed Jun 29, 2016 3:32 pm
by Twinsen
Indeed the filter inserter was taking longer time to check it's filters, resulting in it taking one extra item.

You also have "read hand contents" active on the highlighted inserter, causing some problems.

Fixed in Version: 0.13.2.