How do you test 0.13 mods...
Posted: Mon Jun 27, 2016 8:36 pm
How do you test 0.13 mods, without Test Mode mod?
what do you mean by free crafting and how do i do itRseding91 wrote:Sandbox mode and click the "yes" to all technologies and "yes" to cheat mode. Free crafting with all techs unlocked.
Sandbox mode and click the "yes" to all technologies and "yes" to cheat mode. Free crafting with all techs unlocked.kaleb_boren wrote:what do you mean by free crafting and how do i do itRseding91 wrote:Sandbox mode and click the "yes" to all technologies and "yes" to cheat mode. Free crafting with all techs unlocked.
Code: Select all
/c game.player.cheat_mode = true; game.player.force.research_all_technologies()
i know that, but when i click the item and it doesnt craftKlonan wrote:Sandbox mode and click the "yes" to all technologies and "yes" to cheat mode. Free crafting with all techs unlocked.kaleb_boren wrote:what do you mean by free crafting and how do i do itRseding91 wrote:Sandbox mode and click the "yes" to all technologies and "yes" to cheat mode. Free crafting with all techs unlocked.
There's actually a couple of command lines you can enter to do that.Choumiko wrote:start a normal game and doand you're all setCode: Select all
/c game.player.cheat_mode = true; game.player.force.research_all_technologies()
use this command(for 0.13.1): /c game.player.character = game.player.surface.create_entity{name="player", position = {0,0}, force = game.forces.player}bobingabout wrote:There's actually a couple of command lines you can enter to do that.Choumiko wrote:start a normal game and doand you're all setCode: Select all
/c game.player.cheat_mode = true; game.player.force.research_all_technologies()
First, create a player entity, okay, I don't know the command for this one, but I'm sure there is.
With the newly created entity ID you just created, assign it as your player's character.
For the first part, I actually used a bunch of scripts in a mod I wrote but never released, that created an item that could be used to place a player entity down.
test mode wont (that i know of ) spawn a character when in god/ghost modedevilwarriors wrote:just downloads Test mode, it's already been non officially converted to work with 0.13.