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A fps issue

Posted: Wed Jun 22, 2016 4:27 pm
by Tranoq
Right now, i'm in Xubuntu, i just downloaded the Linux version of Factorio, i installed it and the first day (The same day a installed it) the game was perfect, 100% smooth, no fps downs i would say that 60fps all the day. But now when i enter, the fps are low, like to 10-15 and i see some "fps skips". It's weird as hell because i didn't do nothing that involve Factorio (Like playing with the configs or something) and c'mon we are talking about Xubuntu.

I have my Nvidia drivers, no programs in background, also there's a photo with the debug mode active Image As you can see there's nothing in the map, i just started a new game, moved 2-3 feets put the Debug mode and take the photo. I hope you guys can help me, this is so weird

Re: A fps issue

Posted: Wed Jun 22, 2016 5:18 pm
by Loewchen
Please upload a log-file and the system specs.

Re: A fps issue

Posted: Wed Jun 22, 2016 5:33 pm
by Tranoq
System specs:

OS: Xubuntu 16.04
RAM: 2gbs of Ram
Processor: AMD Sempron 140 processor
Video: Nvidia GeForce 7025 / nForce 630a/integrated/SSE2

It's enough with that?. Also how i get an log-file?

Re: A fps issue

Posted: Wed Jun 22, 2016 6:19 pm
by Loewchen
The GeForce 7025 can only use a maximum of 256MB of your system memory and does therefore not fulfil the minimum hardware requirements. You will not be able to play the game with that machine.

Greetings Loewchen

Edit: See here for information about the log-file.

Re: A fps issue

Posted: Wed Jun 22, 2016 6:28 pm
by Tranoq
Ok, then how i'veen playing on Windows? with around 50-60 fps?. Same pc of course

Re: A fps issue

Posted: Thu Jun 23, 2016 12:45 pm
by Shokubai
Sounds like an OS issue compatibility or display driver issue within Ubuntu.