A fps issue
Posted: Wed Jun 22, 2016 4:27 pm
Right now, i'm in Xubuntu, i just downloaded the Linux version of Factorio, i installed it and the first day (The same day a installed it) the game was perfect, 100% smooth, no fps downs i would say that 60fps all the day. But now when i enter, the fps are low, like to 10-15 and i see some "fps skips". It's weird as hell because i didn't do nothing that involve Factorio (Like playing with the configs or something) and c'mon we are talking about Xubuntu.
I have my Nvidia drivers, no programs in background, also there's a photo with the debug mode active
As you can see there's nothing in the map, i just started a new game, moved 2-3 feets put the Debug mode and take the photo. I hope you guys can help me, this is so weird
I have my Nvidia drivers, no programs in background, also there's a photo with the debug mode active