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Modular armour item rotation

Posted: Mon Feb 24, 2014 12:40 pm
by Phantasm
It would be really nice to be able to rotate items into the modular armor. Like personal laser is 3x2 item. But everything else is divided by 2 (other than solar which is 1x1) on height. So if you put odd amount of 3x2 items on 10x10 armor, you will lose 1x2 of space or have to use weak solars on it. Rotating 2x1 battery into 1x2 would solve the issue.

Re: Modular armour item rotation

Posted: Mon Feb 24, 2014 12:45 pm
by BurnHard
If you really want to use personal lasers, I propose you place 2 personal lasers above each other and now you have 4 free fields on top. Now put eg 2 shields, the fusion reactor or one exeskeleton on top. This way you make full use of the height.

Re: Modular armour item rotation

Posted: Mon Feb 24, 2014 5:12 pm
by Phantasm
BurnHard wrote:If you really want to use personal lasers, I propose you place 2 personal lasers above each other and now you have 4 free fields on top. Now put eg 2 shields, the fusion reactor or one exeskeleton on top. This way you make full use of the height.
I know they suck... That is why I only want a single one to kill the odd small biter on the side. Too much waste to actually use my combat shotgun on it. While 12 slots from armor is too much waste for that. And given the way the modules work.. I don't see any reason why they couldn't be rotated.