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Train Quick-filter

Posted: Sat Jul 25, 2015 7:36 pm
by Ranakastrasz
Suggest a quick-copy method to rapidly fill a traincar with a filter. In the same way you copy smart-inserter settings, allow copying a filter setting and rapidly place it on other slots in a train. Having to place a car, explicitly in a place where it CANNOT be unloaded, loading it entirely up with iron ore, then middlemousbutton clicking takes a while. Dropdown menu works fine for a single filter, but with you needing 30 of them it takes too long.

Also ability to drag-copy would be helpful, since you might want to do all of them, or some fraction of them.

Re: Train Quick-filter

Posted: Sat Jul 25, 2015 8:15 pm
by ratchetfreak
You can hop along a single item that you want to filter:

place item in slot 1
middle click it
move item to slot 2
middle click it
rinse repeat

Re: Train Quick-filter

Posted: Sat Jul 25, 2015 8:45 pm
by bobucles
You will have far more success by using the train stops as the filters. If a train stop only processes ore, then those trains will only carry ore. Pretty simple.

Train wagons carrying one item button

Posted: Tue May 10, 2016 3:04 pm
by Brambor
Hi there,
I played a Marathon mod recently (for about 40 hours now) and I'm using trains quite a bit.
There is a posibility to make a loading station for two items (for example iron ore and EC) and I'm using that.
Now I have 11 chests for iron and 1 for EC and there are two trains visiting the station, one for iron ore and one for EC.
The station is only fast inserters and the way it works is that I have designed the trains (vagons) to carry only iron ore, the second to carry only EC so it works yay!
The problem is: you have to click about 60 times per vagon to design it for carrying one type of item
  • 30 times rightclicking each storage tile with stack of items you are holding
    30 times wheel clicking each tile to actually design each tile to accept only this item
Now you repeat that process as many times as many vagons will visit that station. In my example three times. It is espesially annoying if you enter the train, drive it, jump out of it, die, reload the game, get to a middle of the proces of clicking.
The core of the problem: A player has to do the same thing multiple times in order to get the same result.
Possible solutions: (apart from using smart inserter which is worse than fast variant in at least energy consumption)
  • First (fantastic) Give me a button which I will click and then choose from pop-up menu which item will be all tiles (or remaining not occupied and assigned tiles) assignet to, so, it will work exactly as if I clicked all thirty tiles twice as described above. So I will be even able to reassign some tiles!

    Second (worse) Give me a button which will turn on and off some sort of different vagoon where all storage tiles will accept only one item (so if I shiftclick 15 iron ore from my inventory it will fill 15 storage tiles each with one iron ore) and each tile is automaticly assigned with item it gets. So if I shift click 5 iron 5 tiles will be assigned as iron-only then I can shift click 20 copper and 5 circuts and 30 vagoon tiles are filled. Then I can click the button and get the 30 items back and normal vagoon will appear again BUT with the assigments. If some tiles were blocked they can appear as red in the different vagoon look. If I close my inventory the same thing happen as if I clicked the button and then closed my inventory.
The future:
Non of these informations are for sure but there are reasons why to implement it based on future look of factorio.
  • Vagoon may have more tiles which means even more clicking
    Heavy/rapit/stack... Inserter may be implemented so this not using of smart boxes will be cleverer solution and more cheap as well so it will become more obvious build and the train storage tiles design will become more wanted
Thank you for your time. If there is anything unclear let me know.

Re: Train vagons carrying one item button

Posted: Tue May 10, 2016 3:30 pm
by ratchetfreak
You can copy and paste the entire cargo wagon settings using shift right click and shift left click.

so after you configured one wagon you can configure another with the same settings easily

Re: Train vagons carrying one item button

Posted: Tue May 10, 2016 3:35 pm
by Brambor
What about EC and iron ore vagon? What if the vagon I designed is at home and I'm building an outpost? Maybe if blueprint would support that or something as I wrote...

Re: Train vagons carrying one item button

Posted: Tue May 10, 2016 3:35 pm
by Brambor
But thanks, this will about half the time needed :)

Re: Train vagons carrying one item button

Posted: Tue May 10, 2016 3:47 pm
by svish
Agreed 100%. Seriously needs to be an easier way to reserve several slots in wagons (and chests for that matter) to one kind of item.

I've currently "solved" it by creating a couple of "blueprint" wagons I can copy from, but it's not a particular clean solution, and only works if I create/configure the train in my main base where I have those wagons.

Re: Train vagons carrying one item button

Posted: Tue May 10, 2016 3:52 pm
by svish
Suggestion: Since middle mouse button is used to reserve a spot, maybe press MMB and drag to select/draw more tiles and when you release you get the same dialog as for current MMB, but it applies to all now selected tiles?

Re: Train vagons carrying one item button

Posted: Tue May 10, 2016 4:35 pm
by SyncViews
Where possible if I didn't have another wagon to just direct copy from, I tend to place 1 of the item I want in each wagon slot from inventory, then quickly go over with the middle mouse button to do the reservations. Not ideal but still far better than going through the menu to reserve iron ore or such on every wagon slot.

Re: Train vagons carrying one item button

Posted: Tue May 10, 2016 6:06 pm
by Brambor
That's what I'm doing too, but it is 60 clicks per vagon :/

Re: Train wagons carrying one item button

Posted: Thu May 12, 2016 11:34 am
by ssilk
There is a mod, that makes such stuff much easier:
viewtopic.php?f=92&t=17199 Fast Filter Fill


I added this to viewtopic.php?f=80&t=15326 Stack Filters for Chest, Vehicles and others

PS: It's wagon, not vagon. :)

Re: Train vagons carrying one item button

Posted: Thu May 12, 2016 11:43 am
by Zeblote
svish wrote:Suggestion: Since middle mouse button is used to reserve a spot, maybe press MMB and drag to select/draw more tiles and when you release you get the same dialog as for current MMB, but it applies to all now selected tiles?
Yes. That's a great idea and much more intuitive than the mod above!

Re: Train wagons carrying one item button

Posted: Tue Jul 19, 2016 9:26 am
by Brambor
What about holding a mouse wheel will restrict all items howered over with an item that is hold? That would be awesome!

Re: Train wagons carrying one item button

Posted: Tue Jul 19, 2016 12:59 pm
by Harkonnen604
I suggested once to perform shift-right-click, shift-left-click on a single slot. That will require 30 shift-clicks to paint entire wagon, but these are easy clicks - you keep holding shift, and left-click+move your mouse to all other slots. This way you can paint half of a wagon for iron and half for copper. Middle-dragging (rectangular selection) is also an option, but requires slightly more coding.

Paste filter into multiple cells

Posted: Fri Feb 17, 2017 4:11 pm
by matfil
When setting inventory filters you have to set each cell separately or copy filter that you set before. When you want to set same filter for train it starts to be problematic.

click and drag when pasting filter to paste same filter into multiple cells (rectangle selection or every cell below mouse) would make setting up trains and other containers more convenient.

Re: Paste filter into multiple cells

Posted: Sat Feb 18, 2017 3:19 am
by Rseding91
It has been on my to-do for quite a while now (over a year) but it will require non-trivial core changes to how inventory slot interaction works.

I might get around to it some day but it's a very low priority.

Re: Paste filter into multiple cells

Posted: Sat Feb 18, 2017 11:01 am
by matfil
What about faking click event when you get mouse over event when dragging (holding button down)? It should make filling cells below mouse easier.

Re: Paste filter into multiple cells

Posted: Sat Feb 18, 2017 3:08 pm
by orzelek
Small hint:
Grab the item into hand and middle click on slots.

Re: Paste filter into multiple cells

Posted: Sat May 06, 2017 11:31 am
by Coppermine
Just wanted to point out that now (as of 0.15) you can paste-drag across entities it's unintuitive and inconsistent that you cannot also paste-drag across cells in trains etc. I think that ought to raise the priority of this feature by a notch. Would make setting up trains so much more pleasant.