Auto's Factory
Posted: Sun May 08, 2016 6:51 pm
I built a few factories, then tried the 5/6/12 science build by Sekkmer:
It seemed just a little oversize to me, and a little bit TOO compact. But I was inspired.
It had the same issue as my other builds, was great at making science but fell flat when called upon for processors and other late-game items.
I want to build by the numbers, but I also wanted to keep my roads for aesthetics and mobility. And I wanted it to tile nicely with the roboport.
About the numbers:
I started tinkering in Foreman to get an idea what would be reasonable production of both science and module output.
Foreman: viewtopic.php?f=134&t=5576
I decided upon a science output of 20/min of each type, which should support 10 labs according to this thread:
Foreman (at the time of this) has an error with oil demand not factoring in cracking properly so I made a spreadsheet to do that manually.
This is the result:

20 science per minute, and using power armor to represent module production. It's rate of .02 means it can produce 1 power armor in 50 minutes. This is much better than my previous bases which would shut down science production for an hour to get a decent amount of circuits+processors.
It seems modest but most games I have trouble keeping more than 2 refineries going because of oil shortage, so this scale seems appropriate to me.
The result:

This is broken into two sections, the science (left) and the support (right).
In addition there is a blueprint for the roads and a solar farm.
Now for more details.
UPDATED 5.17.16

Procudes 20/min science of each type in addition to processors and all refining.
Resources feed in from the bottom left. Should you find yourself with an abundance of resources, the this section may be tiled.
Crude and water input is along the bottom, and not included in tiling. Not difficult if you are in such a position to feed 2+ of these.
If you tile this then you'll have to run faster conveyor belts. It's possible that even just running this to capacity may need a few faster belts, but I didn't notice any slowdowns in my tests for just 1 before my supply chain choked out.
I kept it simple for the purposes of this blueprint, not going to have blue conveyors until AFTER it's built! Assemblers are only T3 where the chart said to, otherwise I left T2 to save costs. Obviously they can be upgraded later if desired.
UPDATED 5.17.16

The support section produces pretty much everything I normally use and dumps them into passive provider chests, making the logistic network very well supplied.
This section is not tilable, and I wouldn't see the need, but if you'd like to add items which I don't have then there is obviously some extra room which for now is filled with some solar.
I would probably use that space for rocket parts later on but will not muddy the blueprints with such late tech requirements.
Pardon the lack of filled conveyors, it appears that my copper supply has run short.

The stone and cement outline with a roboport marker in center.

Solar farm which follows the same theme. Turrets I was able to inset just a little more for those turns.
This is easily tiled obviously. If the area is safe and/or you end up with an interior corner with 4 turrets then easy to cut back on turrets. Delete the 2 lights and turret a panel fits right in.
The red wire is so that the corner lights always stay on, for no other reason than I like it.
About the accumulator to solar ratio, we have 107 and 150 respectively; 71%
As most of you know, someone did the math on this and came up with the ideal ratio to be 84%:
I opted for heavier solar ratio because I also usually have steam going, so the quicker the accumulators get topped off the sooner the steam shuts off.
Adjusting is easy though..
A note about modules:
My theory on production modules is to put them in the top and work your way down.. Meaning they will have the most effect in the labs themselves, followed by blue science, etc.
The T3 modules are too expensive to put everywhere, so I suggest studying the Foreman graph to trace where you want to make the biggest difference. I feel that the biggest bang for the buck are the basic (green) circuits since they suck up 85% of the copper coils and 50% of the iron plates. Usually I'll add speed in there to negate the speed hit, and efficiency if I am caring about pollution at all.
The refineries I only needed 2.3, so rounding down with speed modules would have worked. But I nearly always have oil supply issues, chances are these will have productivity modules in them as well. In planning for the speed hit I rounded up.
For more opinions on modules, and they vary wildly, this is a good thread:
I currently do not have a matching smelting setup, to be honest currently it's total slopsville sprawled out from the train station. Easy enough to roll your own.
According to the chart you should plan on 25 iron furnaces and 23 copper furnaces.
I think that covers it. Questions/comments welcome!
It seemed just a little oversize to me, and a little bit TOO compact. But I was inspired.
It had the same issue as my other builds, was great at making science but fell flat when called upon for processors and other late-game items.
I want to build by the numbers, but I also wanted to keep my roads for aesthetics and mobility. And I wanted it to tile nicely with the roboport.
About the numbers:
I started tinkering in Foreman to get an idea what would be reasonable production of both science and module output.
Foreman: viewtopic.php?f=134&t=5576
I decided upon a science output of 20/min of each type, which should support 10 labs according to this thread:
Foreman (at the time of this) has an error with oil demand not factoring in cracking properly so I made a spreadsheet to do that manually.
This is the result:

20 science per minute, and using power armor to represent module production. It's rate of .02 means it can produce 1 power armor in 50 minutes. This is much better than my previous bases which would shut down science production for an hour to get a decent amount of circuits+processors.
It seems modest but most games I have trouble keeping more than 2 refineries going because of oil shortage, so this scale seems appropriate to me.
The result:

This is broken into two sections, the science (left) and the support (right).
In addition there is a blueprint for the roads and a solar farm.
Now for more details.
UPDATED 5.17.16

Auto Fac Science

Procudes 20/min science of each type in addition to processors and all refining.
Resources feed in from the bottom left. Should you find yourself with an abundance of resources, the this section may be tiled.
Crude and water input is along the bottom, and not included in tiling. Not difficult if you are in such a position to feed 2+ of these.
If you tile this then you'll have to run faster conveyor belts. It's possible that even just running this to capacity may need a few faster belts, but I didn't notice any slowdowns in my tests for just 1 before my supply chain choked out.
I kept it simple for the purposes of this blueprint, not going to have blue conveyors until AFTER it's built! Assemblers are only T3 where the chart said to, otherwise I left T2 to save costs. Obviously they can be upgraded later if desired.
UPDATED 5.17.16

Auto Fac Support

The support section produces pretty much everything I normally use and dumps them into passive provider chests, making the logistic network very well supplied.
This section is not tilable, and I wouldn't see the need, but if you'd like to add items which I don't have then there is obviously some extra room which for now is filled with some solar.
I would probably use that space for rocket parts later on but will not muddy the blueprints with such late tech requirements.
Pardon the lack of filled conveyors, it appears that my copper supply has run short.

Auto Fac Road

The stone and cement outline with a roboport marker in center.
Colored concrete road idea just for fun
Auto Fac Solar

Solar farm which follows the same theme. Turrets I was able to inset just a little more for those turns.
This is easily tiled obviously. If the area is safe and/or you end up with an interior corner with 4 turrets then easy to cut back on turrets. Delete the 2 lights and turret a panel fits right in.
The red wire is so that the corner lights always stay on, for no other reason than I like it.
About the accumulator to solar ratio, we have 107 and 150 respectively; 71%
As most of you know, someone did the math on this and came up with the ideal ratio to be 84%:
I opted for heavier solar ratio because I also usually have steam going, so the quicker the accumulators get topped off the sooner the steam shuts off.
Adjusting is easy though..
A note about modules:
My theory on production modules is to put them in the top and work your way down.. Meaning they will have the most effect in the labs themselves, followed by blue science, etc.
The T3 modules are too expensive to put everywhere, so I suggest studying the Foreman graph to trace where you want to make the biggest difference. I feel that the biggest bang for the buck are the basic (green) circuits since they suck up 85% of the copper coils and 50% of the iron plates. Usually I'll add speed in there to negate the speed hit, and efficiency if I am caring about pollution at all.
The refineries I only needed 2.3, so rounding down with speed modules would have worked. But I nearly always have oil supply issues, chances are these will have productivity modules in them as well. In planning for the speed hit I rounded up.
For more opinions on modules, and they vary wildly, this is a good thread:
I currently do not have a matching smelting setup, to be honest currently it's total slopsville sprawled out from the train station. Easy enough to roll your own.
According to the chart you should plan on 25 iron furnaces and 23 copper furnaces.
I think that covers it. Questions/comments welcome!