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conveyor belt overload

Posted: Sun Apr 17, 2016 2:43 pm
by HunterWithin
Hi I am experience a problem with 1 conveyer belt.
I use it to transport iron ore and on the conveyer belt there seems to be more then 30K material on 1 belt.

If I remove the conveyer belt or change the direction the game freezes.
So now I use a inserter to clear the belt.
I tried to empty the belt myself 21 steel crates (11x2.4K = 26.4K) and the conveyer belt still isn’t empty

Any andvice?

Save game :

Re: conveyor belt overload

Posted: Sun Apr 17, 2016 3:14 pm
by Rseding91
HunterWithin wrote:Hi I am experience a problem with 1 conveyer belt.
I use it to transport iron ore and on the conveyer belt there seems to be more then 30K material on 1 belt.

If I remove the conveyer belt or change the direction the game freezes.
So now I use a inserter to clear the belt.
I tried to empty the belt myself 21 steel crates (11x2.4K = 26.4K) and the conveyer belt still isn’t empty

Any andvice?

Save game :
That sounds a lot like a previous bug report where the person ended up having bad RAM.

Try running a memory test on your computer to see if it can detect the issue:

Re: conveyor belt overload

Posted: Sun Apr 17, 2016 3:15 pm
by daniel34
To fix it, hover over the belt with the mouse and enter in the console:

Code: Select all

/c game.local_player.selected.destroy()
Otherwise you're out of luck, the transport belt contains about 104 million iron-ore.
(Or you found an (almost) never ending source of iron-ore).

Not sure how this bug came to be in the first place, did you use any other mods that you have removed since then or did you enter any console commands that would be able to do something like that?

Another option would be memory corruption (faulty RAM), but this is unlikely and you would have also experienced crashes in other applications/games.

Re: conveyor belt overload

Posted: Sun Apr 17, 2016 8:47 pm
by HunterWithin
wow 104 million....

My ram is more than fine I run a rig with 16GB of ram, so more than enough for this game.
Looks like I have enough ore for life here.

And thanks for the fast response

Re: conveyor belt overload

Posted: Sun Apr 17, 2016 8:50 pm
by HunterWithin
o and i installed 2 mods halfway this game: Base Mod and Fluid barrel

Re: conveyor belt overload

Posted: Sun Apr 17, 2016 9:02 pm
by Rseding91
HunterWithin wrote:wow 104 million....

My ram is more than fine I run a rig with 16GB of ram, so more than enough for this game.
Looks like I have enough ore for life here.

And thanks for the fast response
It's not about the amount used. It's about defective RAM. That's what the link I provided tests for.

Re: conveyor belt overload

Posted: Mon Apr 18, 2016 4:59 am
by TruePikachu
Coming from someone who has dealt with defective RAM in the past, just because nothing appears to be crashing doesn't mean that there isn't a problem. In my case, the system would only crash when running a specific game OR when the built-in display was in standby. However, it was silently causing other problems, like corrupting my Bitcoin blockchain in memory.

When testing RAM, it is best to have only one stick in the machine at a time; have each stick run through 3 passes before assuming it might be good (the "one stick at a time" non-adherence might have contributed to how long it took me to find my issue). It is okay to run more than three passes, and it is okay to have tests run overnight.