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Production chain flowchart [WIP]
Posted: Fri Apr 08, 2016 9:32 am
by jkeywo
So I was struggling to see what was needed to build what, how they all related to one another, and thus how to layout a factory so I started making a flow chart that details various production chains. Things are grouped to try and make it easy to build a factory with (particularly, in my case, with RSO and trains). ... WVra1BVNGM
I've detailed most smelting/alloys, brown/blue circuits, red/green science, gemstones and a couple of other bits and pieces but I'm expanding it as I reach them in my current play (white circuits and blue science are obviously a priority then). I've put a few helpful notes on it but I want to add more, like what the more exotic alloys are used for and what science is needed to produce each item.
Hope someone finds it useful and suggestions are welcome.
It's made with on google drive, if anyone is interested I can share the source flowgraph.
Re: Production chain flowchart [WIP]
Posted: Fri Apr 08, 2016 1:55 pm
by steinio
very nice... and complicated
Would print it for help. Thank you.
Is it possible to get this also for the chemicals?
I'm a bit freaking out with them
Re: Production chain flowchart [WIP]
Posted: Fri Apr 08, 2016 2:30 pm
by jkeywo
I found 90% of the chemical stuff you need is contained in the top left of the diagram (mostly derived just from water). I've added the chain for nitric acid because that's very useful and easy to produce (from an air and water pump).
I think the main remaining chemistry stuff is oil related, which I'll get to in time.
Re: Production chain flowchart [WIP]
Posted: Fri Apr 08, 2016 4:37 pm
by bobingabout
the "Is this useful?" one x3
Well, the recipe is useful, you get more copper per ore, and in the default mod config, is the only way to get cobalt.
but the diagram does seem a little... yeah, it's just 1 recipe. I'd probably tack it on to anything that needs cobalt.
Re: Production chain flowchart [WIP]
Posted: Fri Apr 08, 2016 4:53 pm
by jkeywo
I see, I thought I'd seen cobalt ore patches but I must have been mistaken (or another mod is messing things up). I've integrated that into the chart now.
I've also added the ammo types, which, now that I've charted them out, make a lot more sense to me
although it may be a little tricky for someone else to understand.
Re: Production chain flowchart [WIP]
Posted: Fri Apr 08, 2016 6:54 pm
by bobingabout
jkeywo wrote:I see, I thought I'd seen cobalt ore patches but I must have been mistaken (or another mod is messing things up). I've integrated that into the chart now.
Yeah, Cobalt ore does exist in my mod, but is disabled in my mod by default (Or more accurately, not enabled) Because of the copper and cobalt oxide recipe. Other mods like 5dim might be turning it on. (I know that 5dim interfaces with my own to turn ores on)
Re: Production chain flowchart [WIP]
Posted: Mon Apr 11, 2016 1:18 pm
by jkeywo
ic, it's probably 5Dim then, that's annoying because all I wanted was the trains.
In other news I've added green circuits, blue science and fixed a mistake with the invar alloy recipe.
Re: Production chain flowchart [WIP]
Posted: Mon Apr 11, 2016 1:43 pm
by bobingabout
I don't seem to be able to zoom in as far as I used to.
Re: Production chain flowchart [WIP]
Posted: Mon Apr 11, 2016 7:47 pm
by jkeywo
It's possible that as the chart gets bigger the resolution of the export decreases.
This - ... WVra1BVNGM - should be much clearer.
Or here is the source file ... sp=sharing although I don't know how easy it will be to view, I think you need to be signed into google drive and add the app.
EDIT: Better hosting for the .svg file so you can view it more easily.
Re: Production chain flowchart [WIP]
Posted: Wed Apr 27, 2016 1:35 pm
by jkeywo
N.B. I am continuing to expand, improve and correct the chart, I just don't post here every time I do it.