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Topography and geography?
Posted: Thu Mar 31, 2016 2:32 pm
by mooklepticon
How would topography affect the game? Rivers, streams, mountains, hills, etc. I'm not talking about a fully 3d, first person, style, but having a completely flat world is a little implausible. (My favorite example of the world and interface would be Total Annihilation. Am I dating myself with that? hehe.)
Would mountains have more ore? More stone? Would deserts have more oil? (Sidenote:
deserts seem to have more is a coincidence.) Would deep water have oil rigs? Could we get water wheels for early game electricity?
reddit thread on weather got me thinking about how factorio's geography is different from reality. (I'm not expecting reality from a video game, but I prefer plausibility, when possible.)
Then, after we contemplate the affects, who would handle the resources? Adding a 3rd dimension more than "is it water or land" would be nontrivial. (hat tip to Rseding91.)
Re: Topography and geography?
Posted: Thu Mar 31, 2016 5:19 pm
by ProphetofEden
i would love to see mountin/ hill side mining operations, and more use of water i love the idea of hydro power thru damns or watermills
Re: Topography and geography?
Posted: Thu Mar 31, 2016 5:31 pm
by Nubm2
Water and mountains are very much alike in a 2d world. Personally, i would like mountains that are blocking the area. However, mines can be placed to gather stone and rare resources and tunnels can be used to get through. Btw, bridges and (very expensive) terraforming would be wasdsomeâ„¢ as well.
Rivers would open up a lot of great options, like hydraulic energy (including the water wheels as well you spoke of, like those too!), artifical lakes, risks of flodding your base, etc.
Unlike lakes and oceans, rivers have to flow. The wider the river the slower the current becomes. Smaller gaps are good for producing energy, but also have a risk in peaking above a certain treshhold, in which case the river could suddenly 'expand itself'. Just blocking or filling rivers will also result in a flood...
TO establish oil platforms you first had to get there somehow, probably the best way would be boats. Offshore windmills would be nice as well. Swimming factories that farm stuff for certain products, like algae and fish.
Swamps would be nice as well, making it impossible to setup heavy machines or drive through with a tank. Also slowing general speed. Unless the ground is treated with stone/concrete foundations (i wish those had more use, they were required to build anything in Dune 2. The movement buff is nice though).
Re: Topography and geography?
Posted: Fri Apr 01, 2016 7:25 am
by Tepalus
I like the idea of the more expand terrain also very much!
I played for about 50h now and i still like the game and like to build up my factory. By myself i discovered, for me the game becomes kind of like monotonously whith its style. I know, the game is primarly about the factory but speciall terrain and decorations can catch a player even more!
Probably it could be like in Age of Empires 2 with the mountains? There are Hils and cliffs. You have some advantages when you are more high than the enemy. So in Factorio you could say, turrets fire wider, you see more and you have more ores up there.