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Offshore pumps sometimes suck up a fish

Posted: Wed Mar 30, 2016 3:43 pm
by scarhoof
Been thinking on how we could have an easily-farmable fish method and I thought that maybe fish could get "sucked up" into an offshore pump rarely, then you can pull them out into a chest with an inserter. This would allow for farming of fish without adding any new factories to the game. I know they're not "that" useful, but it's one of the few items in the game we can't automate collection of.

Re: Offshore pumps sometimes suck up a fish

Posted: Wed Mar 30, 2016 6:12 pm
by jacob021302
I don't believe this would be a good addition to the game.
1. There should be somewhat of a challenge to getting fish. Fish automatically restore health and if you had a farm, you could just have stacks of them and you would never die.
2. If the fish were to be "sucked" into the pump, wouldn't it just be either be ripped apart or get sucked down the pipe?
3. Don't you think it's a little over powered to get heaps of fish so early in the game, you don't have to research anything to get a pump.

Re: Offshore pumps sometimes suck up a fish

Posted: Wed Mar 30, 2016 9:32 pm
by scarhoof
I don't consider manually grabbing them out of the water a challenge, though I see what you mean about possible abuse. I still would like to have an automatic way to farm the fish but was trying to figure out something that wouldn't require the Dee's having to making a new model of an item.

Honestly, having hundreds on you does nothing past what a few would do. They don't automatically heal you, you have to use them on purpose and in the heat of battle having 12 or 200 wouldn't really be any different in keeping you alive.

I'm purely interested in getting them for completionist reasons since it's the only non-farmable item in the game (other than alien artifacts and you get those by playing the game anyway.) So other than creating a new item in the game, how could they be farmed?