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A newb strategy for restarts

Posted: Wed Mar 30, 2016 2:00 pm
by Darkumbra
I am only a few hours into this - huge learning curve - but one that makes sense and is a lot of fun.

When I decide that I've screwed up enough - based on new learnings - I start over by deleting everything - creating storage dumps for materials - and RESTART the same map without having to spend the time researching and having tons of stuff to plonk down in a much BETTER config.

Once I get to the game end with this 'strategy', then I'll start from scratch using my self imposed ironman rules - once placed NOTHING ever gets deleted. (Unless of course the cat jumps on the keyboard!)

Re: A newb strategy for restarts

Posted: Wed Mar 30, 2016 3:51 pm
by Kelderek
I think you're not talking about the "Restart Map" button in the options menu, but rather just picking up all your placed items and structures and clearing up a map right? If that is so, just keep in mind that a few things on your map will have changed:
1. Resource availability. If you mined up a lot of raw materials and then made poor choices of what to make with them, then you may not have enough resources close at hand for your fresh start.
2. Alien spawns and evolution. This could be especially important if you ran out of important resources. Maps are usually infinite, but you may have to move into a crowded neighborhood of aliens to find new resources. Even if you don't need to move, you will be attacked by more evolved aliens than you would have with a truly fresh map.

In general though, it is quite handy to be able to pick up your factory and move it elsewhere or simply rebuild it differently. I've often setup red and green science just to get some rudimentary research done, and then relocated it later once I designed a better layout for the factory.

Re: A newb strategy for restarts

Posted: Wed Mar 30, 2016 8:06 pm
by KatherineOfSky
You will also definitely want to pick up items that are no longer useful -- like miners on top of depleted ground. ... or walls/defensive turrets that you have moved past by expanding your base.

When you are first learning the game, I HIGHLY advise you not to go into "ironman" mode... this is a game about resources, management, and getting things from A to B. You can always find more efficient ways to do things just by making little tweaks. The factory is MEANT to be easy to deconstruct, evidenced by the short deconstruct cycle you go through when right-clicking on a structure.

Give yourself a little leeway ;)