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The smallest of all bugs, if you can take it as such

Posted: Wed Mar 23, 2016 12:23 am
by betu
Whenever I request an odd number of electric mining drills

(It happens often because of material available at the time)

left a copper wire unused in my inventory, the problem is when I'm carrying a lot of things then I have to be constantly looking for where leave it to make space in my inventory.

please pardon for adding a report,

see so many bugs (involuntary) makes me think that programming a game is more complex than a spaceship :o ,

Kovarex and his staff do a great job! :D

Congratulations and keep moving!

Re: The smallest of all bugs, if you can take it as such

Posted: Wed Mar 23, 2016 12:38 am
by daniel34
Yes, when you craft an odd number of electric mining drills there will always be a copper wire left over. But this is not a bug. (Actually, the recipe is that way on purpose.)

In Factorio the goal is to automate everything, so instead of crafting the electronic circuits for the drills yourself you should have a machine (an assembler) do it for you and have it put them into a chest with an inserter. You can then pick the circuits up from the chest into your inventory. Then you don't need copper or copper wire to craft electric mining drills and you don't have copper wire left in your inventory.

Electric circuits are needed in so many recipes that it is better to always have them with you, because they don't need as much space as copper/iron plates or copper wire and you save the time to make them yourself, because the assemblers already made them for you.

Good thing that you already posted this in Not a bug, so I don't have to move it :) .

Re: The smallest of all bugs, if you can take it as such

Posted: Wed Mar 23, 2016 2:51 am
by betu
Thanks for the quick response daniel34.
