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The Enemies page on the wiki is outdated
Posted: Tue Mar 22, 2016 3:59 am
by Overene
It seems like the evolution works differently now. On the wiki, it says that medium biters start appearing once evolution reaches .35, although I've been seeing medium biters well before that. Anyone know where I can see an updated list?
Re: The Enemies page on the wiki is outdated
Posted: Tue Mar 22, 2016 10:09 am
by orzelek
For biters:
- smalls - dissapear at 0.7
- mediums start at 0.3 and increase till 0.6 then reduce till 0.8.
- big starts at 0.6 and maxes out at 1.0
- behemots start at 0.99
For spitters:
- small starts at 0.25, maxes out at 0.5 and dissapears at 0.7
- medium starts at 0.5, maxes at 0.7 and reduces till 0.9
- big starts at 0.6 and maxes at 1.0
- behemot starts at 0.99
Data taken from game data files.
Re: The Enemies page on the wiki is outdated
Posted: Tue Mar 22, 2016 10:25 pm
by Overene
orzelek wrote:For biters:
- smalls - dissapear at 0.7
- mediums start at 0.3 and increase till 0.6 then reduce till 0.8.
- big starts at 0.6 and maxes out at 1.0
- behemots start at 0.99
For spitters:
- small starts at 0.25, maxes out at 0.5 and dissapears at 0.7
- medium starts at 0.5, maxes at 0.7 and reduces till 0.9
- big starts at 0.6 and maxes at 1.0
- behemot starts at 0.99
Data taken from game data files.
Thanks! Someone should update the wiki with that info.
Re: The Enemies page on the wiki is outdated
Posted: Mon Mar 28, 2016 7:40 pm
by zytukin
there is also incorrect info on the Diesel Locomotive page -> 'Other things' listing ... her_things
It Says:
As trains are a priority target of Enemies, more or less any place where trains can stop should be defended. This is of course more important at train stops/stations, due to the additional hardware which may be present. Note that defending a train in transit is not as important, as when a train moves it is more or less invincible and crashes through everything in the way, up to and including Biters, Tanks, and the Player. However, Enemies can attack and destroy rails, potentially stopping the train in transit and leading to the train being damaged or destroyed.
1. A train in automatic mode will get stopped by a tank, with or without a player in it.
If the tank is just parked on the track, then it will lose about 10% health and the locomotive barely looses any.
If the tank is in motion, then much more damage will occur, possibly taking it down to red.
2. A train (manual or automatic) will get stopped by a Behemoth Biter or Spitter standing on the tracks.
If in automatic mode, the train will just sit there trying to drive until the enemy moves out of the way.