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New Enemies idea:Deadly but appeared only in darkplace.

Posted: Thu Mar 17, 2016 7:18 am
by -210
I think there is no clearly GAMEOVER factor in this game.
Because biter will be attacked us , only we are too much approaching them or we are standing on the path to pollutional object.
It's always just a accident. yeah I don't think that is bad.
but , I just want more terror at crashsite on undiscovered planet.

My idea is terror enemy appeared after "early - mid" game.
"early - mid" means , generally after "10 red science pack needed research" has all finished.
After then, Nocturnality predator walking around on all over the planet.
It's very tough and high strength and difficult to kill in early game. I think need modular arumor.
but they hate brightness like a Lamp or flashlight.
So, it's totally safe near the Lamp , means in your base.
Flashlight can make them temporary stun and you can run a way short distance.

So , I think , this will be a clearly GAMEOVER factor.
Because , Biters are always attacking our boiler.
If we lost a boiler , there is no electricity , It's mean no light and we will be eaten by NEW predator.
thanks. oh god making english sentence is too hard for me. sry for my crypted unidentified message!

Re: New Enemies idea:Deadly but appeared only in darkplace.

Posted: Thu Mar 17, 2016 7:30 am
by Koub

Added your suggestion to the "new enemies" collection of suggestions here : viewtopic.php?p=82957#p82957
I'll let everybody who wants to take part of the discussion about nocturnal stalkers do it here :).